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  1. 2024
  2. Published

    Uni-Institut mit Linux? Läuft bei uns

    Oberschulte, T. & Rother, N., 18 Mar 2024.

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceSlides to presentationTransfer

  3. 2023
  4. Published

    A Dual-Species Atom Interferometer Payload for Operation on Sounding Rockets

    Elsen, M., Piest, B., Adam, F., Anton, O., Arciszewski, P., Bartosch, W., Becker, D., Böhm, J., Boles, S., Döringshoff, K., Guggilam, P., Hellmig, O., Imwalle, I., Kanthak, S., Kürbis, C., Koch, M., Lachmann, M. D., Mihm, M., Müntinga, H., Nepal, A. M., Oberschulte, T., Ohr, P., Papakonstantinou, A., Prat, A., Reichelt, C., Sommer, J., Spindeldreier, C., Warner, M., Wendrich, T., Wenzlawski, A., Blume, H., Braxmaier, C., Lüdtke, D., Peters, A., Rasel, E. M., Sengstock, K., Wicht, A., Windpassinger, P., Grosse, J. & Bleeke, K., 7 Sept 2023, In: Microgravity Science and Technology. 35, 5, 48.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  5. Published

    Fault Detection on Multi COTS FPGA Systems for Physics Experiments on the International Space Station

    Oberschulte, T., Marten, J. & Blume, H., 12 Feb 2023, FPGA '23: Proceedings of the 2023 ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

    Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingOther contribution in a book, report, anthology or conference proceedingResearchpeer review

  6. Published

    Fault Detection Mechanisms for COTS FPGA Systems Used in Low Earth Orbit

    Oberschulte, T., Marten, J. & Blume, H., 2023, Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation - 23rd International Conference, SAMOS 2023, Proceedings. Silvano, C., Reichenbach, M. & Pilato, C. (eds.). Springer International Publishing AG, p. 19-32 14 p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); vol. 14385 LNCS).

    Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer review

  7. 2021
  8. Published

    FPGA-based low-cost synchronized fiber network for experimental setups in space

    Oberschulte, T., Wendrich, T. & Blume, H., 15 Nov 2021, In: Journal of Instrumentation. 16, 11, P11016.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  9. Published

    The Bose-Einstein Condensate and Cold Atom Laboratory

    Frye, K., Abend, S., Bartosch, W., Bawamia, A., Becker, D., Blume, H., Braxmaier, C., Chiow, S., Efremov, M. A., Ertmer, W., Fierlinger, P., Franz, T., Gaaloul, N., Grosse, J., Grzeschik, C., Hellmig, O., Henderson, V. A., Herr, W., Israelsson, U., Kohel, J., Krutzik, M., Kürbis, C., Lämmerzahl, C., List, M., Lüdtke, D., Lundblad, N., Marburger, J. P., Meister, M., Mihm, M., Müller, H., Müntinga, H., Nepal, A. M., Oberschulte, T., Papakonstantinou, A., Perovšek, J., Peters, A., Prat, A., Rasel, E. M., Roura, A., Sbroscia, M., Schleich, W. P., Schubert, C., Seidel, S. T., Sommer, J., Spindeldreier, C., Stamper-Kurn, D., Stuhl, B. K., Warner, M., Wendrich, T., Wenzlawski, A., Wicht, A., Windpassinger, P., Yu, N. & Wörner, L., 4 Jan 2021, In: EPJ Quantum Technology. 8, 1, 37 p., 1.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review