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Ehrhardt, Kathleen
- Institute of Education - Researcher
- Leibniz School of Education (LSE) - Staff
Person: Academic (Staff), Technical/Administrative (Staff)
Eichelberger, Jan
Prof. Dr.- Chair in Civil Law, Intellectual Property Rights and IT Law - Professor
- Institute of Legal Informatics - Professor
Person: Academic (Staff)
Epping, Volker
Prof. Dr.- Leibniz University Hannover - President
- Institute of International Law - Executive Board
- Chair in Public Law, International and European Law - Professor
Person: Academic (Staff), Technical/Administrative (Staff)
Esatbeyoglu, Tuba
Prof. Dr.- Institute of Food Science and Human Nutrition - Professor, Executive Director
- Molecular Food Chemistry and Food Development - Professor
Person: Academic (Staff)
Escher, Joachim
Prof. Dr.- Institute of Applied Mathematics - Professor, Executive Board
Person: Academic (Staff)
Eubel, Holger
Dr.- Section Plant Molecular Biology and Plant Proteomics - Researcher
Person: Academic (Staff)
Evers, Patrick
- Institute of Materials Science - Researcher
- Technology of Materials - Researcher
Person: Academic (Staff)
Ewering, Jan-Hendrik
- Institute of Mechatronic Systems - Researcher
- Identification & Control - Researcher
Person: Academic (Staff)
Fälber, Runa
- Geology Section - Researcher
- Quartenary Geology, Clastic Sedimentology, Basin Analysis - Researcher
Person: Academic (Staff)
Faltin, Fabian
- Institute of Construction Management and Digital Engineering - Researcher
Person: Academic (Staff)
Feldhoff, Armin
- Section Thermo-Iono-Electronic materials and microstructure analysis - Group Leader
- Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry - Executive Board, Extraordinary Professor, Researcher
- Laboratory of Nano and Quantum Engineering (LNQE) - Member
Person: Academic (Staff)