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Groß, Jens
Dr.- Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology Section - Postdoctoral Researcher, Researcher
- Physical Geography Group - Postdoctoral Researcher
- Institute of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology - Postdoctoral Researcher
Person: Academic (Staff)
Gruber, Michael Johannes
Dr.- Faculty of Mathematics and Physics - Researcher
- Institute of Analysis - Researcher
- Riemann Center for Geometry and Physics - Coordinator, Researcher
Person: Academic (Staff)
Guggenberger, Georg
Prof. Dr.- Institute of Soil Science - Professor, Executive Director
- Soil Science Section - Management, Professor
- Leibniz Research Centre FZ:GEO - Executive Board
- Section Soil Chemistry - Professor
Person: Academic (Staff)
Günter, Sandra
Prof. Dr.- Institute of Sports Science - Professor, Executive Board
- Sports and Society - Management
Person: Academic (Staff)
Günther, Lukas Maximilian
- Abteilung Mathematikdidaktik - Researcher, Other
Person: Other (Associated/Guest), Academic (Staff)
Haase, Jannika
- Institute of Education - Researcher
- Leibniz Research Centre Science and Society (LCSS) - Researcher
Person: Academic (Staff)
Haase, Nadin
Dr.- Institute of Cell Biology and Biophysics - Researcher
- Department of Computational Biology - Researcher
Person: Academic (Staff)
Habich, Tim-Lukas
- Institute of Mechatronic Systems - Researcher
- Robotics & Autonomous Systems - Researcher
Person: Academic (Staff)
Hadler, Greta
- Institute of Sanitary Engineering and Waste Management - Researcher
Person: Academic (Staff)
Hahn, Andreas
Apl. Prof. Dr.- Institute of Food Science and Human Nutrition - Professor, Executive Director
- Nutrition Physiology and Human Nutrition Section - Professor
Person: Academic (Staff)
Haist, Michael
Prof. Dr.- Institute of Building Materials Science - Professor, Executive Director, Executive Board
- Leibniz Research Centre Energy 2050 - Member
- Testzentrum Tragstrukturen - Board of Directors
Person: Academic (Staff)
Hammerer, Klemens Johannes
Prof. Dr.- Institute of Theoretical Physics - Professor, Executive Board
- QuantumFrontiers - Light and Matter at the Quantum Frontier (Cluster of Excellence 2123) - Member
- CRC 1227: DQ-mat - Deputy Head
- QUEST: Centre for Quantum Engineering and Space-Time Research (Cluster of Excellence 201) - Professor
Person: Academic (Staff)
Hampel, Andrea
Prof. Dr.- Institute of Geology - Professor, Executive Director, Executive Board
- Geology Section - Management, Executive Board, Professor
- Leibniz Research Centre FZ:GEO - Executive Board
- Tectonics, structural geology and tectonic geomorphology - Professor
Person: Academic (Staff)