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Research interests

The scientific basics for the production of high quality and save foods is the main research topic. It includes product and process-based solutions for to yield food ingredients from raw materials considering their sustainable and environmental-friendly processing. These solutions are developed using available knowledge from nature sciences, as biology, chemistry and physics, as well as engineering expertise. For this purpose, existing technologies in food processing are optimized and new approaches are developed and tested.


Food technology, Food engineering, Baking technology, Confectionery technology, Meat technology, Sensory evaluation of food

Professional career

1989 - 1992  Scientific staff at the Institute for Food and Bio Technology at TU Dresden

1993 - 1995  Project engineer at Co. Tscheuschner & Bindler, Dresden

1995 - 2019  Project leader at German Institute of Food Technologies (DIL), Quakenbrück

2008 - 2016  Leader of the research plattform Food Robotic at DIL

since 2019   Scientific staff at the Institute of food Science amd Human Nutrition at LUH

Latest publications

  1. Published

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleTransfer

  2. E-pub ahead of print

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

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Latest activities

  1. Activity: Consultancy/ReviewingInstitutional review

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  • Food technology, Food engineering