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  1. 2025

  2. Published

    Quantum gravimetry for future satellite gradiometry

    Romeshkani, M., Müller, J., Knabe, A. & Schilling, M., 15 Jan 2025, In: Advances in space research. 75, 2, p. 1653-1664 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  3. 2024

  4. E-pub ahead of print

    Benefits of Optical Accelerometry On-board of Future Satellite Gravimetry Missions

    Kupriyanov, A., Reis, A., Schilling, M., Müller, V. & Müller, J., 11 Dec 2024, (E-pub ahead of print).

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractResearch

  5. E-pub ahead of print

    Quantum Gravimetry and Other Quantum-based Sensors for Terrestrial and Space Observations and Applications

    Romeshkani, M., Müller, J., Knabe, A., Kupriyanov, A. & Schilling, M., 11 Dec 2024, (E-pub ahead of print).

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractResearch

  6. E-pub ahead of print

    Analysis of Novel Sensors and Satellite Formation Flights for Future Gravimetry Missions

    Kupriyanov, A., Reis, A., Knabe, A., Fletling, N., HosseiniArani, S. A., Romeshkani, M., Schilling, M., Müller, V. & Müller, J., 31 Oct 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) In: International Association of Geodesy Symposia. p. 1-11 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  7. Published

    Advances in Atom Interferometry and their Impacts on the Performance of Quantum Accelerometers On-board Future Satellite Gravity Missions

    HosseiniArani, A., Schilling, M., Beaufils, Q., Knabe, A., Tennstedt, B., Kupriyanov, A., Schön, S., Pereira dos Santos, F. & Müller, J., 1 Oct 2024, In: Advances in space research. 74, 7, p. 3186-3200 15 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  8. Published

    Estimation of Temporal Variations in the Earth’s Gravity Field Using Novel Optical Clocks Onboard of Low Earth Orbiters

    Shabanloui, A., Wu, H. & Müller, J., 15 Sept 2024, Gravity, Positioning and Reference Frames - Proceedings of the IAG Symposia - GGHS2022: Gravity, Geoid, and Height Systems 2022; IAG Commission 4: Positioning and Applications, 2022; REFAG2022: Reference Frames for Applications in Geosciences, 2022. Freymueller, J. T. & Sánchez, L. (eds.). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, p. 53-62 10 p. (International Association of Geodesy Symposia; vol. 156).

    Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer review

  9. Published

    The Benefits of Future Quantum Accelerometers for Satellite Gravimetry

    Zingerle, P., Romeshkani, M., Haas, J., Gruber, T., Güntner, A., Müller, J. & Pail, R., 1 Sept 2024, In: Earth and Space Science (ESS). 11, 9, e2024EA003630.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  10. E-pub ahead of print

    Performance of Novel Accelerometers and Satellite Formations for Future Gravimetry Missions

    Kupriyanov, A., Reis, A., Knabe, A., Fletling, N., Romeshkani, M., HosseiniArani, S. A., Schilling, M., Müller, V. & Müller, J., 19 Jul 2024, (E-pub ahead of print).

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractResearch

  11. Published

    Terrestrial very-long-baseline atom interferometry: Workshop summary

    Abend, S., Allard, B., Alonso, I., Antoniadis, J., Araujo, H., Arduini, G., Arnold, A. S., Asano, T., Augst, N., Badurina, L., Balaz, A., Banks, H., Barone, M., Barsanti, M., Bassi, A., Battelier, B., Baynham, C. F. A., Beaufils, Q., Belic, A., Beniwal, A., Bernabeu, J., Bertinelli, F., Bertoldi, A., Biswas, I. A., Blas, D., Boegel, P., Bogojevic, A., Böhm, J., Böhringer, S., Bongs, K., Bouyer, P., Brand, C., Brimis, A., Buchmueller, O., Cacciapuoti, L., Calatroni, S., Canuel, B., Caprini, C., Caramete, A., Caramete, L., Carlesso, M., Carlton, J., Casariego, M., Charmandaris, V., Chen, Y. A., Chiofalo, M. L., Cimbri, A., Coleman, J., Constantin, F. L., Contaldi, C. R., Cui, Y., Ros, E. D., Davies, G., Rosendo, E. D. P., Deppner, C., Derevianko, A., de Rham, C., De Roeck, A., Derr, D., Pumpo, F. D., Djordjevic, G. S., Dobrich, B., Domokos, P., Dornan, P., Doser, M., Drougakis, G., Dunningham, J., Duspayev, A., Easo, S., Eby, J., Efremov, M., Ekelof, T., Elertas, G., Ellis, J., Evans, D., Fadeev, P., Fanì, M., Fassi, F., Fattori, M., Fayet, P., Felea, D., Feng, J., Friedrich, A., Fuchs, E., Gaaloul, N., Gao, D., Gardner, S., Garraway, B., Gauguet, A., Gerlach, S., Gersemann, M., Gibson, V., Giese, E., Giudice, G. F., Glasbrenner, E. P., Gundo, M., Haehnelt, M., Hakulinen, T., Hammerer, K., Hanımeli, E. T., Harte, T., Hawkins, L., Hees, A., Heise, J., Henderson, V. A., Herrmann, S., Hird, T. M., Hogan, J. M., Holst, B., Holynski, M., Hussain, K., Janson, G., Jeglic, P., Jelezko, F., Kagan, M., Kalliokoski, M., Kasevich, M., Kehagias, A., Kilian, E., Koley, S., Konrad, B., Kopp, J., Kornakov, G., Kovachy, T., Kumar, M., Kumar, P., Lammerzahl, C., Landsberg, G., Langlois, M., Lanigan, B., Lellouch, S., Leone, B., Le Poncin-Lafitte, C., Lewicki, M., Leykauf, B., Lezeik, A., Lombriser, L., Lopez-Gonzalez, J. L., Asamar, E. L., Monjaraz, C. L., Luciano, G. G., Mahmoud, M. A., Maleknejad, A., Krutzik, M., Marteau, J., Massonnet, D., Mazumdar, A., McCabe, C., Meister, M., Menu, J., Messineo, G., Micalizio, S., Millington, P., Milosevic, M., Mitchell, J., Montero, M., Morley, G. W., Müller, J., Mustecapl, E., Ni, W. T., Noller, J., Odzak, S., Daniel, K. L., Omar, Y., Pahl, J., Paling, S., Pandey, S., Pappas, G., Pareek, V., Pasatembou, E., Pelucchi, E., dos Santos, F. P., Piest, B., Pikovski, I., Pilaftsis, A., Plunkett, R., Poggiani, R., Prevedelli, M., Puputti, J., Veettil, V. P., Quenby, J., Rafelski, J., Rajendran, S., Rasel, E. M., Sfar, H. R., Reynaud, S., Richaud, A., Rodzinka, T., Roura, A., Rudolph, J., Sabulsky, D. O., Safronova, M. S., Santamaria, L., Schilling, M., Schkolnik, V., Schleich, W. P., Schlippert, D., Schneider, U., Schreck, F., Schubert, C., Schwersenz, N., Semakin, A., Sergijenko, O., Shao, L., Shipsey, I., Singh, R., Smerzi, A., Sopuerta, C. F., Spallicci, A. D. A. M., Stefanescu, P., Stergioulas, N., Strohle, J., Struckmann, C., Tentindo, S., Throssell, H., Tino, G. M., Tinsley, J. N., Mircea, O. T., Tkalcec, K., Tolley, A. J., Tornatore, V., Torres-Orjuela, A., Treutlein, P., Trombettoni, A., Tsai, Y. D., Ufrecht, C., Ulmer, S., Valuch, D., Vaskonen, V., Vazquez-Aceves, V., Vitanov, N. V., Vogt, C., von Klitzing, W., Vukics, A., Walser, R., Wang, J., Warburton, N., Webber-Date, A., Wenzlawski, A., Werner, M., Williams, J., Windpassinger, P., Wolf, P., Woerner, L., Xuereb, A., Yahia, M. E., Cruzeiro, E. Z., Zarei, M., Zhan, M., Zhou, L., Zupan, J. & Zupanic, E., Jun 2024, In: AVS Quantum Science. 6, 2, 024701.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articleResearchpeer review

  12. E-pub ahead of print

    Combined Classical and Quantum Accelerometers For the Next Generation of Satellite Gravity Missions

    HosseiniArani, A., Schilling, M., Tennstedt, B., Beaufils, Q., Knabe, A., Kupriyanov, A., dos Santos, F. P., Schön, S. & Müller, J., 18 May 2024, (E-pub ahead of print).

    Research output: Working paper/PreprintPreprint

  13. Published

    Sediment transport in South Asian rivers high enough to impact satellite gravimetry

    Klemme, A., Warneke, T., Bovensmann, H., Weigelt, M., Müller, J., Rixen, T., Notholt, J. & Lämmerzahl, C., 4 Apr 2024, In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 28, 7, p. 1527–1538 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  14. Published

    Benefit of enhanced electrostatic and optical accelerometry for future gravimetry missions

    Kupriyanov, A., Reis, A., Schilling, M., Müller, V. & Müller, J., 15 Mar 2024, In: Advances in space research. 73, 6, p. 3345-3362 18 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  15. Published

    Detection of time variable gravity signals using terrestrial clock networks

    Vincent, A. & Müller, J., 15 Mar 2024, In: Advances in Space Research. 73, 6, p. 3312-3320 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  16. Published

    Satellite gradiometry based on a new generation of accelerometers and its potential contribution to Earth gravity field determination

    Mu, Q., Müller, J., Wu, H., Knabe, A. & Zhong, M., 15 Mar 2024, In: Advances in space research. 73, 6, p. 3321-3344 24 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  17. Published

    Potential of Lunar Laser Ranging for the Determination of Earth Orientation Parameters

    Biskupek, L., Singh, V. V., Müller, J. & Zhang, M., 13 Mar 2024, Gravity, Positioning and Reference Frames - Proceedings of the IAG Symposia - GGHS2022: Gravity, Geoid, and Height Systems 2022; IAG Commission 4: Positioning and Applications, 2022; REFAG2022: Reference Frames for Applications in Geosciences, 2022. Freymueller, J. T. & Sánchez, L. (eds.). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, p. 235-242 8 p. (International Association of Geodesy Symposia; vol. 156).

    Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer review

  18. Published

    Determination of physical heights via time transfer 

    Lachmann, K. E. & Müller, J., 11 Mar 2024.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearch

  19. Published

    CARIOQA-PMP quantum accelerometer simulation

    Schilling, M., Forsberg, R., Gaaloul, N., Gruber, T., Lévèque, T., Migliaccio, F., Müller, J., Santos, F. P. D. & Zahzam, N., 9 Mar 2024.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearchpeer review

  20. Published

    Cold Atom Interferometry Accelerometers for Future Satellite Gravity Missions

    Knabe, A., Schilling, M., Romeshkani, M., HosseiniArani, S. A., Fletling, N., Kupriyanov, A., Müller, J., Beaufils, Q. & Dos Santos, F. P., 8 Mar 2024.

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractResearch

  21. Published

    Cold Atom Interferometry Accelerometers for Future Satellite Gravity Missions

    Knabe, A., Schilling, M., Romeshkani, M., HosseiniArani, S. A., Fletling, N., Kupriyanov, A., Müller, J., Beaufils, Q. & Dos Santos, F. P., 8 Mar 2024.

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractResearch

  22. Published

    Quantum-based Accelerometers for Satellite Gravimetry Missions

    Fletling, N., Knabe, A., Müller, J., Weigelt, M. & Schilling, M., 8 Mar 2024.

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractResearch

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