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Profile information

Research interests

In urban design and planning, my focus in research and teaching is on new territorial dynamics in metropolitan and peripheral constellations. In particular, on new methods of analysis and design for an “architecture of territories” that aims to enhance sustainable and circular transformation for development paths and visions for liveable places. A cross-scale approach between architecture, urban planning, and territorial development addresses in particular the issues of urban and territorial innovation and resilience, in conjunction with new forms of communication and interaction for strategy and process design.

Latest publications

  1. E-pub ahead of print

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  2. E-pub ahead of print

    Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingContribution to book/anthologyResearchpeer review

  3. E-pub ahead of print

    Research output: Book/ReportMonographResearch

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Latest activities

  1. Activity: Participating in or organising an eventOrganising a conference/workshop etc.Research

  2. Activity: Talk or presentationInvited talk

  3. Activity: Participating in or organising an eventOrganising a conference/workshop etc.Research

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  • Territorial design, Urban design, Urban planning, Architecture, Dynamics of Periphery, Territorial innovation, Creative Heritage, Resilience, Rural areas, Design research