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  1. Collaborative Research Centre 1463/2, sub-project B03: Sustainable design and design verification of ultra-slim rotor blades

    Balzani, C. (Principal Investigator) & Hühne, C. (Principal Investigator)

    1 Jan 202531 Dec 2028

    Project: Research

  2. Add2ReliaBlade: Verbundvorhaben: Erweiterte Materialdaten und Computertomographie, virtuelle Prüfstände, Big Data und datenbasierte Modellierung als Ergänzung für ReliaBlade; Teilvorhaben: Materialversuche und Modellbildung für Verklebungen

    Balzani, C. (Principal Investigator), Khan, A. W. (Project staff), Manousides, N. (Project staff), Rolfes, R. (Principal Investigator), Kuhn, M. (Project staff) & Hematipour, M. (Co-Investigator)

    1 May 202130 Apr 2025

    Project: Research

  3. Collaborative Research Centre 1463/1, sub-project B03: Design methods of ultra-slender rotor blades

    Balzani, C. (Principal Investigator), Gebauer, J. S. (Project staff), Hühne, C. (Principal Investigator) & Werthen, E. (Project staff)

    1 Jan 202131 Dec 2024

    Project: Research

  4. QuexUS: Collaborative project: Quantifizierung der Unsicherheit bei der Prognose exzessiver Schwingungen in Windenergieanlagen; sub-project: Untersuchungen mit openFAST und HAWC2

    Balzani, C. (Principal Investigator), Schramm, O. (Project staff) & Polman, J. D. (Project staff)

    1 Dec 201930 Sept 2021

    Project: Research

  5. ReliaBlade: Collaborative project: Prediction of Structural Blade Reliability and Application for Cost Effective Blades; sub-project: Material Modelling and Simulation

    Balzani, C. (Principal Investigator), Manousides, N. (Project staff), Noever, P. (Project staff), Prigge, F. K. (Project staff), Wang, Y. (Project staff) & Kuhn, M. (Project staff)

    1 Nov 201831 Oct 2023

    Project: Research

  6. SmartBlades2: Verbundvorhaben: Bau, Test und Weiterentwicklung intelligenter Rotorblätter; Teilvorhaben: Rotorblattstrukur, Aerolastik und Aeroakustik

    Balzani, C. (Principal Investigator), Seume, J. R. (Principal Investigator) & Rolfes, R. (Principal Investigator)

    1 Sept 201630 Sept 2020

    Project: Research