1899 Results for: Institut für Umweltplanung

  1. Published

    A setup for a scenario-driven water balance at landscape scale-assessment with AKWA-M®-Embedded in a model framework for land-use planning's decision support in mountainous southwest China

    Wahren, A., Berkhoff, K., Münch, A., Herrmann, S. & Feger, K. H., 2 Dec 2010, In: Journal of earth science. 21, 6, p. 974-978 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  2. Published

    Impact of a 100-year flood on vegetation, benthic invertebrates, riparian fauna and large woody debris standing stock in an alpine floodplain

    Hering, D., Gerhard, M., Manderbach, R. & Reich, M., Jul 2004, In: River research and applications. 20, 4, p. 445-457 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  3. Published

    Exploring the effects of soundscape perception on place attachment: A comparative study of residents and tourists

    Yang, L., Liu, J., Albert, C. & Guo, X., 5 Jun 2024, In: Applied acoustics. 222, 11 p., 110048.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  4. Urban Forestry als Teil der Baukultur: Utopie oder Realität?

    Wilkes-Allemann, J., Bühler, S. & Kleinschroth, F., Mar 2024, In: Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Forstwesen. 175, 2, p. 84-86 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debateResearchpeer review

  5. In der Stadt ist der Wald ein anspruchsvoller Mitbewohner

    Wilkes-Allemann, J., Pfund, J. L., Augustinus, B. A. & Kleinschroth, F., Aug 2024, In: Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Forstwesen. 175, 4, p. 198-200 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  6. TEEBcase: Payments for hydrological ecosystem services in the Gil González watershed - A public-private-partnership case study

    Hack, J., Kosmus, M., Kräuter, H., Weiskopf, B. & Somarriba, D., 15 Feb 2013, In: The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) Case Studies. 2013

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  7. Institutional frameworks and governance structures of PES schemes

    Matzdorf, B., Sattler, C. & Engel, S., Dec 2013, In: Forest policy and economics. 37, p. 57-64 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial in journalResearchpeer review

  8. Applying the ecosystem services concept in marine projects

    Boerema, A., Moulaert, I., Apitz, S. E., Hack, J. & Boon, A., 1 Oct 2021, In: Terra et Aqua.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  9. Published

    Ökosystemleistungen von Flussauen Bewerten: Der RESI-Ansatz

    Pusch, M. T., Podschun, S. A., Albert, C., Damm, C., Dehnhardt, A., Fischer, C., Fischer, H., Foeckler, F., Gelhaus, M., Gerstner, L., Iwanowski, J., Hoffmann, T. G., Mehl, D., Rayanov, M., Ritz, S., Rumm, A., Scholz, M., Stammel, B., Thiele, J. & Venohr, M., 2019, In: AuenMagazin. 2019, 16, p. 6 - 10

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearch

  10. Assessment and change analyses for a tropical wetland ecosystem using earth observation and socio-economic data.

    Nagabhatla, N., Finlayson, M. & Seneratna Sellamuttu, S., 2012, In: International Journal of Remote Sensing. 45, p. 215-232

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearch

  11. Vergebung: Zu einer Soziologie der Nachsicht.

    Fücker, S., 17 Jan 2020, Frankfurt a. M. 380 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportMonographResearch

  12. A global perspective is needed to protect environmental defenders

    Ghazoul, J. & Kleinschroth, F., 1 Sept 2018, In: Nature Ecology and Evolution. 2, 9, p. 1340-1342 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debateResearchpeer review

  13. Gibt es im Ruhrgebiet eine "postfordische Regionalpolitik?'

    Danielzyk, R., 1992, In: Geographische Zeitschrift. 80, 2, p. 84-105 22 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  14. Published

    Das TRUST/ARL-Promotionskolleg : Exzellenzorientierte, fakultätsübergreifende und strukturierte Nachwuchsförderung

    Ibendorf, J. & Greinke, L., 2020, Unimagazin.

    Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationContribution in popular science journalTransfer

  15. Published

    How the sustainable intensification of agriculture can contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals: The need for specific socio-ecological solutions at all spatial levels

    Delzeit, R., Lewandowski, I., Arslan, A., Cadisch, G., Erisman, J. W., Ewert, F., Klein, A., von Haaren, C., Lotze-Campen, H., Mauser, W., Plieninger, T., Ratjen, A., Tekken, V., Wolters, V. & Brüggemann, N., 2018, 6 p.

    Research output: Working paper/PreprintWorking paper/Discussion paper

  16. Published

    Advancing the Water Footprint into an Instrument to Support Achieving the SDGs: Recommendations from the “Water as a Global Resources” Research Initiative (GRoW)

    Berger, M., Campos, J., Carolli, M., Dantas, I., Forin, S., Kosatica, E., Kramer, A., Mikosch, N., Nouri, H., Schlattmann, A., Schmidt, F., Schomberg, A. & Semmling, E., Mar 2021, In: Water resources management. 35, 4, p. 1291-1298 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearch

  17. E-pub ahead of print

    Modelling flows of recreational ecosystem services in Germany

    Hermes, J., Albert, C. & von Haaren, C., 7 Jul 2023, (E-pub ahead of print) 54 p.

    Research output: Working paper/PreprintPreprint

  18. Published

    Naturbasierte Lösungen in Flusslandschaften planen und entwickeln: Zehn Thesen

    Von Albert, C., Schröter, B., Brillinger, M., Henz, J., Guerrero, P., Gottwald, S., Haase, D., Herrmann, S., Mehl, D., Nicolas, C., Ott, E., Schmidt, S. & Sommerhäuser, M., 4 Mar 2022, In: Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung. 54, 3, p. 12-19 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  19. Published

    Landschaft Drei

    Prominski, M., 2006, Perspektive Landschaft. Institut für Landschaftsarchitektur und Umweltplanung. Technische Universität Berlin (ed.). Berlin, p. 241-252

    Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingContribution to book/anthologyResearch

  20. Published

    Learning about German farmers' willingness to cooperate from public goods games and expert predictions

    Rommel, J., Schulze, C., Matzdorf, B., Sagebiel, J. & Wechner, V., 2023, In: Q Open. 3, 3, qoac023.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review