A community-sourced glossary of open scholarship terms

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debateResearchpeer review


  • Sam Parsons
  • Flávio Azevedo
  • Mahmoud M. Elsherif
  • Samuel Guay
  • Owen N. Shahim
  • Gisela H. Govaart
  • Emma Norris
  • Aoife O’Mahony
  • Adam J. Parker
  • Ana Todorovic
  • Charlotte R. Pennington
  • Elias Garcia-Pelegrin
  • Aleksandra Lazić
  • Olly Robertson
  • Sara L. Middleton
  • Beatrice Valentini
  • Joanne McCuaig
  • Bradley J. Baker
  • Elizabeth Collins
  • Adrien A. Fillon
  • Tina B. Lonsdorf
  • Michele C. Lim
  • Norbert Vanek
  • Marton Kovacs
  • Timo B. Roettger
  • Sonia Rishi
  • Jacob F. Miranda
  • Matt Jaquiery
  • Suzanne L.K. Stewart
  • Valeria Agostini
  • Andrew J. Stewart
  • Kamil Izydorczak
  • Sarah Ashcroft-Jones
  • Helena Hartmann
  • Madeleine Ingham
  • Yuki Yamada
  • Martin R. Vasilev
  • Filip Dechterenko
  • Nihan Albayrak-Aydemir
  • Yu Fang Yang
  • Annalise A. LaPlume
  • Julia K. Wolska
  • Emma L. Henderson
  • Mirela Zaneva
  • Benjamin G. Farrar
  • Ross Mounce
  • Tamara Kalandadze
  • Wanyin Li
  • Qinyu Xiao
  • Robert M. Ross
  • Siu Kit Yeung
  • Meng Liu
  • Micah L. Vandegrift
  • Zoltan Kekecs
  • Marta K. Topor
  • Myriam A. Baum
  • Emily A. Williams
  • Asma A. Assaneea
  • Amélie Bret
  • Aidan G. Cashin
  • Nick Ballou
  • Tsvetomira Dumbalska
  • Bettina M.J. Kern
  • Claire R. Melia
  • Beatrix Arendt
  • Gerald H. Vineyard
  • Jade S. Pickering
  • Thomas R. Evans
  • Catherine Laverty
  • Eliza A. Woodward
  • David Moreau
  • Dominique G. Roche
  • Eike M. Rinke
  • Graham Reid
  • Eduardo Garcia-Garzon
  • Steven Verheyen
  • Halil E. Kocalar
  • Ashley R. Blake
  • Jamie P. Cockcroft
  • Brice Beffara Bret
  • Zoe M. Flack
  • Barnabas Szaszi
  • Markus Weinmann
  • Oscar Lecuona
  • Birgit Schmidt
  • William X. Ngiam
  • Ana Barbosa Mendes
  • Shannon Francis
  • Brett J. Gall
  • Mariella Paul
  • Connor T. Keating
  • Magdalena Grose-Hodge
  • James E. Bartlett
  • Bethan J. Iley
  • Lisa Spitzer
  • Madeleine Pownall
  • Christopher J. Graham
  • Tobias Wingen
  • Jenny Terry
  • Catia Margarida F. Oliveira
  • Ryan A. Millager
  • Kerry J. Fox
  • Alaa AlDoh
  • Alexander Hart
  • Olmo R. van den Akker
  • Gilad Feldman
  • Dominik A. Kiersz
  • Christina Pomareda
  • Kai Krautter
  • Ali H. Al-Hoorie
  • Balazs Aczel
  • Leticia Micheli

Research Organisations

External Research Organisations

  • University of Oxford
  • Friedrich Schiller University Jena
  • University of Birmingham
  • University of Montreal
  • East Midlands School of Anaesthesia
  • Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Science (MPI CBS)
  • Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
  • Brunel University
  • Cardiff University
  • University College London (UCL)
  • Aston University
  • University of Cambridge
  • University of Belgrade
  • University of Geneva
  • Temple University
  • Isenberg Umass Amherst
  • University of Stirling
  • Universite d'Aix-Marseille
  • Universität Hamburg
  • University of Auckland
  • Charles University
  • Eotvos Lorand University
  • University of Oslo
  • University of Alabama
  • University of Chester
  • University of Manchester
  • SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities
  • University of Vienna
  • Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience NIN - KNAW
  • Kyushu University
  • Bournemouth University
  • College of Polytechnics Jihlava (VSPJ)
  • London School of Economics and Political Science
  • Open University
  • Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg
  • University of Toronto
  • Manchester Metropolitan University
  • University of Surrey
  • Arcadia Fund
  • Ostfold University College
  • University of Hong Kong
  • Macquarie University
  • North Carolina State University
  • Lund University
  • Saarland University
  • University of Leeds
  • Taibah University
  • Universite de Nantes
  • Neuroscience Research Australia
  • University of New South Wales (UNSW)
  • Queen Mary University of London
  • Middlesex University
  • Keele University
  • Center for Open Science (COS)
  • University of East London
  • University of Southampton
  • Univ. of Greenwich, Dept. of Info. Syst. and Multimed., UK
  • Oxford Brookes University
  • Carleton University
  • University of Mannheim
  • Universidad Camilo José Cela (UCJC)
  • Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • Mugla Universitesi
  • Univ. York, Dep. Comput. Sci., Non-Stand. Comput. Group
  • University of Brighton
  • University of Cologne
  • King Juan Carlos University
  • Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • University of Göttingen
  • University of Chicago
  • Duke University
  • University of Glasgow
  • Queen's University Belfast
  • University of Kent
  • Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID)
  • University of Sussex
  • Vanderbilt University
  • Tilburg University
  • Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu (RCJY)
  • Leiden University
View graph of relations


Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)312-318
Number of pages7
JournalNature Human Behaviour
Issue number3
Early online date21 Feb 2022
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2022

ASJC Scopus subject areas

Cite this

A community-sourced glossary of open scholarship terms. / Parsons, Sam; Azevedo, Flávio; Elsherif, Mahmoud M. et al.
In: Nature Human Behaviour, Vol. 6, No. 3, 03.2022, p. 312-318.

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debateResearchpeer review

Parsons, S, Azevedo, F, Elsherif, MM, Guay, S, Shahim, ON, Govaart, GH, Norris, E, O’Mahony, A, Parker, AJ, Todorovic, A, Pennington, CR, Garcia-Pelegrin, E, Lazić, A, Robertson, O, Middleton, SL, Valentini, B, McCuaig, J, Baker, BJ, Collins, E, Fillon, AA, Lonsdorf, TB, Lim, MC, Vanek, N, Kovacs, M, Roettger, TB, Rishi, S, Miranda, JF, Jaquiery, M, Stewart, SLK, Agostini, V, Stewart, AJ, Izydorczak, K, Ashcroft-Jones, S, Hartmann, H, Ingham, M, Yamada, Y, Vasilev, MR, Dechterenko, F, Albayrak-Aydemir, N, Yang, YF, LaPlume, AA, Wolska, JK, Henderson, EL, Zaneva, M, Farrar, BG, Mounce, R, Kalandadze, T, Li, W, Xiao, Q, Ross, RM, Yeung, SK, Liu, M, Vandegrift, ML, Kekecs, Z, Topor, MK, Baum, MA, Williams, EA, Assaneea, AA, Bret, A, Cashin, AG, Ballou, N, Dumbalska, T, Kern, BMJ, Melia, CR, Arendt, B, Vineyard, GH, Pickering, JS, Evans, TR, Laverty, C, Woodward, EA, Moreau, D, Roche, DG, Rinke, EM, Reid, G, Garcia-Garzon, E, Verheyen, S, Kocalar, HE, Blake, AR, Cockcroft, JP, Bret, BB, Flack, ZM, Szaszi, B, Weinmann, M, Lecuona, O, Schmidt, B, Ngiam, WX, Mendes, AB, Francis, S, Gall, BJ, Paul, M, Keating, CT, Grose-Hodge, M, Bartlett, JE, Iley, BJ, Spitzer, L, Pownall, M, Graham, CJ, Wingen, T, Terry, J, Oliveira, CMF, Millager, RA, Fox, KJ, AlDoh, A, Hart, A, van den Akker, OR, Feldman, G, Kiersz, DA, Pomareda, C, Krautter, K, Al-Hoorie, AH, Aczel, B & Micheli, L 2022, 'A community-sourced glossary of open scholarship terms', Nature Human Behaviour, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 312-318. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-021-01269-4
Parsons, S., Azevedo, F., Elsherif, M. M., Guay, S., Shahim, O. N., Govaart, G. H., Norris, E., O’Mahony, A., Parker, A. J., Todorovic, A., Pennington, C. R., Garcia-Pelegrin, E., Lazić, A., Robertson, O., Middleton, S. L., Valentini, B., McCuaig, J., Baker, B. J., Collins, E., ... Micheli, L. (2022). A community-sourced glossary of open scholarship terms. Nature Human Behaviour, 6(3), 312-318. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-021-01269-4
Parsons S, Azevedo F, Elsherif MM, Guay S, Shahim ON, Govaart GH et al. A community-sourced glossary of open scholarship terms. Nature Human Behaviour. 2022 Mar;6(3):312-318. Epub 2022 Feb 21. doi: 10.1038/s41562-021-01269-4
Parsons, Sam ; Azevedo, Flávio ; Elsherif, Mahmoud M. et al. / A community-sourced glossary of open scholarship terms. In: Nature Human Behaviour. 2022 ; Vol. 6, No. 3. pp. 312-318.
title = "A community-sourced glossary of open scholarship terms",
author = "Sam Parsons and Fl{\'a}vio Azevedo and Elsherif, {Mahmoud M.} and Samuel Guay and Shahim, {Owen N.} and Govaart, {Gisela H.} and Emma Norris and Aoife O{\textquoteright}Mahony and Parker, {Adam J.} and Ana Todorovic and Pennington, {Charlotte R.} and Elias Garcia-Pelegrin and Aleksandra Lazi{\'c} and Olly Robertson and Middleton, {Sara L.} and Beatrice Valentini and Joanne McCuaig and Baker, {Bradley J.} and Elizabeth Collins and Fillon, {Adrien A.} and Lonsdorf, {Tina B.} and Lim, {Michele C.} and Norbert Vanek and Marton Kovacs and Roettger, {Timo B.} and Sonia Rishi and Miranda, {Jacob F.} and Matt Jaquiery and Stewart, {Suzanne L.K.} and Valeria Agostini and Stewart, {Andrew J.} and Kamil Izydorczak and Sarah Ashcroft-Jones and Helena Hartmann and Madeleine Ingham and Yuki Yamada and Vasilev, {Martin R.} and Filip Dechterenko and Nihan Albayrak-Aydemir and Yang, {Yu Fang} and LaPlume, {Annalise A.} and Wolska, {Julia K.} and Henderson, {Emma L.} and Mirela Zaneva and Farrar, {Benjamin G.} and Ross Mounce and Tamara Kalandadze and Wanyin Li and Qinyu Xiao and Ross, {Robert M.} and Yeung, {Siu Kit} and Meng Liu and Vandegrift, {Micah L.} and Zoltan Kekecs and Topor, {Marta K.} and Baum, {Myriam A.} and Williams, {Emily A.} and Assaneea, {Asma A.} and Am{\'e}lie Bret and Cashin, {Aidan G.} and Nick Ballou and Tsvetomira Dumbalska and Kern, {Bettina M.J.} and Melia, {Claire R.} and Beatrix Arendt and Vineyard, {Gerald H.} and Pickering, {Jade S.} and Evans, {Thomas R.} and Catherine Laverty and Woodward, {Eliza A.} and David Moreau and Roche, {Dominique G.} and Rinke, {Eike M.} and Graham Reid and Eduardo Garcia-Garzon and Steven Verheyen and Kocalar, {Halil E.} and Blake, {Ashley R.} and Cockcroft, {Jamie P.} and Bret, {Brice Beffara} and Flack, {Zoe M.} and Barnabas Szaszi and Markus Weinmann and Oscar Lecuona and Birgit Schmidt and Ngiam, {William X.} and Mendes, {Ana Barbosa} and Shannon Francis and Gall, {Brett J.} and Mariella Paul and Keating, {Connor T.} and Magdalena Grose-Hodge and Bartlett, {James E.} and Iley, {Bethan J.} and Lisa Spitzer and Madeleine Pownall and Graham, {Christopher J.} and Tobias Wingen and Jenny Terry and Oliveira, {Catia Margarida F.} and Millager, {Ryan A.} and Fox, {Kerry J.} and Alaa AlDoh and Alexander Hart and {van den Akker}, {Olmo R.} and Gilad Feldman and Kiersz, {Dominik A.} and Christina Pomareda and Kai Krautter and Al-Hoorie, {Ali H.} and Balazs Aczel and Leticia Micheli",
note = "Funding information: We thank E. Fried and E. Uhlmann for helping to steer the discussion and reviewing some glossary terms.",
year = "2022",
month = mar,
doi = "10.1038/s41562-021-01269-4",
language = "English",
volume = "6",
pages = "312--318",
number = "3",




T1 - A community-sourced glossary of open scholarship terms

AU - Parsons, Sam

AU - Azevedo, Flávio

AU - Elsherif, Mahmoud M.

AU - Guay, Samuel

AU - Shahim, Owen N.

AU - Govaart, Gisela H.

AU - Norris, Emma

AU - O’Mahony, Aoife

AU - Parker, Adam J.

AU - Todorovic, Ana

AU - Pennington, Charlotte R.

AU - Garcia-Pelegrin, Elias

AU - Lazić, Aleksandra

AU - Robertson, Olly

AU - Middleton, Sara L.

AU - Valentini, Beatrice

AU - McCuaig, Joanne

AU - Baker, Bradley J.

AU - Collins, Elizabeth

AU - Fillon, Adrien A.

AU - Lonsdorf, Tina B.

AU - Lim, Michele C.

AU - Vanek, Norbert

AU - Kovacs, Marton

AU - Roettger, Timo B.

AU - Rishi, Sonia

AU - Miranda, Jacob F.

AU - Jaquiery, Matt

AU - Stewart, Suzanne L.K.

AU - Agostini, Valeria

AU - Stewart, Andrew J.

AU - Izydorczak, Kamil

AU - Ashcroft-Jones, Sarah

AU - Hartmann, Helena

AU - Ingham, Madeleine

AU - Yamada, Yuki

AU - Vasilev, Martin R.

AU - Dechterenko, Filip

AU - Albayrak-Aydemir, Nihan

AU - Yang, Yu Fang

AU - LaPlume, Annalise A.

AU - Wolska, Julia K.

AU - Henderson, Emma L.

AU - Zaneva, Mirela

AU - Farrar, Benjamin G.

AU - Mounce, Ross

AU - Kalandadze, Tamara

AU - Li, Wanyin

AU - Xiao, Qinyu

AU - Ross, Robert M.

AU - Yeung, Siu Kit

AU - Liu, Meng

AU - Vandegrift, Micah L.

AU - Kekecs, Zoltan

AU - Topor, Marta K.

AU - Baum, Myriam A.

AU - Williams, Emily A.

AU - Assaneea, Asma A.

AU - Bret, Amélie

AU - Cashin, Aidan G.

AU - Ballou, Nick

AU - Dumbalska, Tsvetomira

AU - Kern, Bettina M.J.

AU - Melia, Claire R.

AU - Arendt, Beatrix

AU - Vineyard, Gerald H.

AU - Pickering, Jade S.

AU - Evans, Thomas R.

AU - Laverty, Catherine

AU - Woodward, Eliza A.

AU - Moreau, David

AU - Roche, Dominique G.

AU - Rinke, Eike M.

AU - Reid, Graham

AU - Garcia-Garzon, Eduardo

AU - Verheyen, Steven

AU - Kocalar, Halil E.

AU - Blake, Ashley R.

AU - Cockcroft, Jamie P.

AU - Bret, Brice Beffara

AU - Flack, Zoe M.

AU - Szaszi, Barnabas

AU - Weinmann, Markus

AU - Lecuona, Oscar

AU - Schmidt, Birgit

AU - Ngiam, William X.

AU - Mendes, Ana Barbosa

AU - Francis, Shannon

AU - Gall, Brett J.

AU - Paul, Mariella

AU - Keating, Connor T.

AU - Grose-Hodge, Magdalena

AU - Bartlett, James E.

AU - Iley, Bethan J.

AU - Spitzer, Lisa

AU - Pownall, Madeleine

AU - Graham, Christopher J.

AU - Wingen, Tobias

AU - Terry, Jenny

AU - Oliveira, Catia Margarida F.

AU - Millager, Ryan A.

AU - Fox, Kerry J.

AU - AlDoh, Alaa

AU - Hart, Alexander

AU - van den Akker, Olmo R.

AU - Feldman, Gilad

AU - Kiersz, Dominik A.

AU - Pomareda, Christina

AU - Krautter, Kai

AU - Al-Hoorie, Ali H.

AU - Aczel, Balazs

AU - Micheli, Leticia

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