
Verbundprojekt: Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für IT-basierte qualitative arbeitssoziologische Forschung; Teilprojekt: Entwicklung von innovativen Informatik-Methoden zur Unterstützung der Sekundäranalyse

Project: Research


  • Wolfgang Nejdl (Principal Investigator)
  • Claudia Niederée (Project staff)

Research Organisations

External collaborative partners

  • Leibniz University Hannover
  • Sociological Research Institute (lead)
  • Bielefeld University
  • Association of Scientific Data Processing mbH Göttingen (GWDG)
  • Friedrich Schiller University Jena
  • Institute for Social Science Research (ISF)
  • University of Göttingen
  • TU Dortmund University
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The BMBF-funded Centre will focus on interdisciplinary methods in the novel area of secondary analysis of qualitative material and will foster their uptake. The team of the L3S Research Centre under the lead of Dr. Claudia Niederée will investigate novel and tailored IT methods such as search and contextualization for supporting secondary analysis. Professor Wolfgang Nejdl as a member of the managing board of the eLabour Centre is looking forward to an inspiring collaboration with leading experts in Labour Sociology.


Start/end date1 Oct 201530 Sept 2018


Funding type

Funding scheme