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HyPoCollaborative Research Centre-Transregio 375, sub-project S01: Demonstrator for the potential of multifunctional high-performance components made of hybrid porous materials

Project: Other


  • Heinrich Klemme (Principal Investigator)
  • Benjamin Kirsch (Principal Investigator)


Start/end date1 Apr 202431 Dec 2026
Associates to



Within the central service project, components made of HyPo-materials are designed, manufactured, and investigated, replacing selected components of a conventional milling machine. As a result, a demonstrator is being successively built up to illustrate the progress of all projects. In addition to the properties of the HyPo-components, their influence on the operating behaviour of the demonstrator will also be characterised on the basis of machining tests that are carried out. By comparison with the use of conventional components, the potential of the HyPo-materials will be quantifiably demonstrated.


Funding type

Funding scheme

Key research areas of LUH