Collaborative Research Centre 871/3, sub-project D06: Interaction of combined module variances and influence on the overall system behaviour

Project: Research


  • Jens Friedrichs (Principal Investigator)
  • Jan Göing (Project staff)
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Motivation and objectives
Since the performance of an aircraft is directly and inextricably linked to the performance of the propulsion system, efforts are constantly being deployed to increase both the thrust generation and the fuel efficiency of engines. The continuing demands for increased performance result in working very close to the aerodynamic, thermal and structural limits of the propulsion system. At the same time, the operating limits must be selected in such a way as to ensure safe operation even during transient emergency situations.

However, the deterioration of isolated or combined components leads to two negative effects:
1. The distance to the operating safety limits are reduced
2. Transient loads increase, driving the engine to the limits more quickly.

The objective of this subproject is to evaluate the influence of deterioration and repair on the steady-state and transient operating performance of engines.

In close cooperation with subprojects of the CRC 871 (e.g. A3, B3 and D5), a digital performance twin of the IFAS research engine of the V2500-A1 was created in ASTOR, which contains geometric information as well as the component-specific performance maps. This allowed the influence of deterioration on operational performance to be simulated and evaluated in several studies.

Current research and outlook
In the upcoming stages of this project, extensive test runs with the IFAS research engine are planned, which are intended on the one hand to validate ASTOR experimentally, and on the other hand to investigate performance degradation caused by specific modifications. Together with subprojects A3 and A6, modifications will be made to the combustor whose influence will be measured at various positions of the engine in order to investigate the influence on the overall engine and to reflect this in ASTOR.

Furthermore, the FDM of the engine in ASTOR allows the simulation of
highly dynamic effects, such as the deep rotating stall in the
high-pressure compressor and the reaction of the overall system.


Start/end date1 Jan 201830 Jun 2022


Funding type

Funding scheme

Key research areas of LUH