Within the scope of the sub-project, XHV-adequate process control will be used to qualify the conventional powder processing route for materials such as titanium aluminides, which could not be processed up to now, and to increase the performance and recyclability of materials with a high affinity for oxygen. To this end, the effects dominating the process results (e. g., by grinding in the absence of oxygen) will be investigated, which will serve to extend the relevant process models. Subsequently, sintering and forging are considered with regard to the effects of grinding and additions of alloying elements (titanium and aluminum) as powder or chips on resulting process and material properties in order to achieve the set goal.
Status | Active |
Start/end date | 1 Jan 2024 → 31 Dec 2027 |
Funding type
Funding scheme
- German Research Foundation (DFG)
- Collaborative Institutional Proposals
- Collaborative Research Centres/Transregios