Competence-based personnel planning in the production of manufacturing SMEs by MES

Project: Research


  • Berend Denkena (Principal Investigator)
  • Peter Nyhuis (Principal Investigator)
  • Dennis Pischke (Project staff)
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The aim of personnel planning is to secure the competitiveness of a company in the long term by providing employees with qualifications that meet their requirements. Production planning, on the other hand, makes use of the available resources at short notice in order to reduce production costs and times, among other things, and to increase quality. The separate analysis at company and production level often leads to a conflict between the long-term orientation of personnel development and the short-term striving for productivity gains in production. The aim of the project is to transform the knowledge gained so far into an integrated technology and competence-oriented planning approach into an industrial application scenario. To this end, it is necessary to extend the previous planning approach to include the consideration of methodological, social and personal competencies, forms of group work and further training measures into a competence-oriented production and personnel planning methodology. Furthermore, the integration of this production and personnel planning methodology into an MES for industrial application in SMEs is planned.


Start/end date1 Apr 2016 → 31 Mar 2018


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