KI-Labor zur methodischen Entwicklung von performanten KI-Anwendungen für moderne Hardware-Architekturen

Project: Research


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n the future production laboratory, L3S is carrying out research and is developing methods of artificial intelligence that can significantly support industrial production.

The heterogeneous applications and further development of artificial intelligence methods is changing our society. The use of AI models has been already established in the areas of object and speech recognition. However, the increasingly complex AI models require a lot of energy and performance, which push conventional computer architectures to their limits. For this reason, the work is increasingly being carried out on the development of hardware specialized AI (e.g. GPUs, FPGAs, ASICs and TPUs). However, the development of both AI software and AI hardware requires specialists with the necessary know-how that is to be imparted by the HAISEM Lab.


Start/end date17 Oct 201930 Apr 2022


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