Joining of blanks with electrochemical support (project in the Priority Programme 1640: Joining by Plastic Deformation)

Project: Research


Research Organisations

External collaborative partners

  • Leibniz University Hannover (lead)
  • Paderborn University (Joint applicant)
  • Technische Universität Dresden (Project partner)
  • RWTH Aachen University (Project partner)
  • TU Bergakademie Freiberg - University of Resources (Project partner)
  • TU Dortmund University (Project partner)
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This research project investigates the cold pressure welding of similar and dissimilar metals by incremental forming and inline electrochemical surface activation. The project intends to identify and analyse the mechanisms of cold pressure welding in order to improve current cold welding processes in terms of process flexibility and joint strength. The joining with electrochemical support (EUCF) is a new process that intends to cold pressure weld a broad range of metal pairs. Major innovations include the determined modification of the micro and macroscopic surface structure e.g. by the inline activation of metallic surfaces using electrochemical reactions (like oxide reduction and metal layer deposition). The course and result of the following pressure welding process is supported by a special tool set-up and an adapted incremental process control to ensure a sufficient bonding process with locally restricted high deformation ratios.

The pressure welding process will be realized with support of robotic actuators and an incremental process control to allow both partial and fully joining of hybrid products/assemblies made from various semi-finished parts.


Start/end date1 Jan 201531 Dec 2016


Funding type

Funding scheme