Aufrechtes Konfokalmikroskop (Leica SP8 mit Festkörperlasern 448, 488,512 und 552 nm)
Institute of Plant NutritionFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Hyperspektrales Bildgebungssystem (BlackBox, HAIP Solutions)
Institute of Horticultural Production SystemsFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Multispektralkamera/spektrale Klassifizierung
Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology SectionFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Terrestrischer Laserscanner (TLS) Z+F Imager 5010X
Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology SectionFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
FE-SEM Field-Emission Electron Microscope (JEOL JSM-6700F)
Institute of Physical Chemistry and ElectrochemistryFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
FE-TEM Feld-Emission Transmission Electron Microscope (JEOL JEM-2100F-UHR)
Institute of Physical Chemistry and ElectrochemistryFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Kontaktwinkel- und Konturanalyse-Messsystem (dataphysics OCA 15EC)
Polarz, S. (Head)
Institute of Inorganic ChemistryFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
ESI-MS (Bruker Micro TOF II)
Polarz, S. (Head)
Institute of Inorganic ChemistryFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
HPLC (analytisch und präparativ)
Polarz, S. (Head)
Institute of Inorganic ChemistryFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Quecksilberporosimetrie (Micromeritics AutoPore IV)
Polarz, S. (Head)
Institute of Inorganic ChemistryFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
FLIR E60bx Infrarot Wärmebildkamera
Institute of Horticultural Production SystemsFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Hyperspektralanalytik (Labor: xxxx; Satellit: EnMAP-Zugang)
Guggenberger, G. (Head) & Chabrillat, S. (Head)
Soil Science SectionFacility/Equipment: Other
Röntgenphotoelektronenspektroskopie (XPS): Kratos Axis Ultra DLD
Soil Science SectionFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Micromeritics ASAP 2020
Polarz, S. (Head)
Institute of Inorganic ChemistryFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
3P Vapor 100C
Polarz, S. (Head)
Institute of Inorganic ChemistryFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation