- 2020
The American Ceramic Society (ACerS) (External organisation)
10 Jan 2020 → 20 Oct 2021Activity: Membership › Membership in a scientific society/academy of science › Research
Oppermann, B. (Consultant) & TGP, Planungsbüro Lübeck (Consultant)
1 Jan 2020 → 31 Dec 2023Activity: Consultancy/Reviewing › Consultancy
Oslo Architecture Triennale, "Oslo in Action(s)"
Thomidou, A. A. (Participant)
1 Jan 2020Activity: Other activity › Other
Actar (Publisher)
2020 → …Activity: Publication/conference peer review and editorial work › Editorial work
American Society of Civil Engineers, Infrastructure Resilience Division (External organisation)
2020Activity: Membership › Membership in a jury
American Society of Civil Engineers, Infrastructure Resilience Division, Risk and Resilience Measurements Committee (External organisation)
2020 → 2023Activity: Membership › Membership in a scientific society/academy of science › Research
Anaphorische Referenz in Schülertexten
Lehmkuhle, I. (Speaker)
2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk with previous peer review process
Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies (Journal)
Gohrisch, J. (Editor), Grünkemeier, E. (Editor) & Pardey, H. M. (Editor)
2020Activity: Publication/conference peer review and editorial work › Editorial work
Arbeitsgruppe „Hochschullehre“ der GDCh (External organisation)
2020 → …Activity: Membership › Membership in a scientific association/a scientific community
Biotechnology and Bioengineering (Journal)
2020 → …Activity: Publication/conference peer review and editorial work › Publication peer review
Clinical and Experimental Gastroenterology (Journal)
2020Activity: Publication/conference peer review and editorial work › Publication peer review
Cooperative Architecture. Creative and Social Design Modes as Urban Practice
2020 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk with previous peer review process
Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace (Journal)
2020Activity: Publication/conference peer review and editorial work › Publication peer review
Deutsche Allianz Meeresforschung e.V. (DAM) (External organisation)
2020 → …Activity: Membership › Membership in a scientific association/a scientific community
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
2020 → …Activity: Consultancy/Reviewing › Reviewing of research proposals
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft e.V. (DGfE) (External organisation)
2020Activity: Membership › Membership in a scientific association/a scientific community
Deutsche Mathematiker Vereinigung (Publisher)
Sambale, B. (Reviewer)
2020 → 2023Activity: Publication/conference peer review and editorial work › Editorial work
Digitalstadt Darmstadt GmbH (External organisation)
Hack, J. (Member)
2020 → …Activity: Membership › Membership in the board of an organization
Distance-dependent refraction effects in the sound propagation of wind turbines
Martens, S. (Speaker), Bohne, T. (Speaker) & Rolfes, R. (Speaker)
2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk with previous peer review process