Kathodenzerstäubungsanlage (Sputteranlage) HHV System ATS 500
Stupp, J. (Head) & Kerker, O. (Contact)
Laboratory of Nano and Quantum EngineeringFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Rasterkraftmikroskop (Nanosurf CoreAFM)
Laboratory of Nano and Quantum EngineeringFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Konfokalmikroskop Leica DCM 3D
Laboratory of Nano and Quantum EngineeringFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Laboratory of Nano and Quantum EngineeringFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Wafer-Probe-Station Cascade Summit 11000
Laboratory of Nano and Quantum EngineeringFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Spektrales Ellipsometer Sentech SE 800
Laboratory of Nano and Quantum EngineeringFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Drahtbonder, Wire-Bonder TPT HB16
Laboratory of Nano and Quantum EngineeringFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
3D-Druck von Glassubstraten, LightFab 3D Printer M mit IR-Laser 1030 nm
Stupp, J. (Head) & Kerker, O. (Manager)
Laboratory of Nano and Quantum EngineeringFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Schnellheizöfen (RTP/RTO/RTA)
Laboratory of Nano and Quantum EngineeringFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Widerstandsverdampfer "Congo Vac"
Laboratory of Nano and Quantum EngineeringFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Kathodenzerstäubungsanlage (Sputteranlage) Leybold Z590
Laboratory of Nano and Quantum EngineeringFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Elektronenstrahlverdampfer Balzers BAK 610
Laboratory of Nano and Quantum EngineeringFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Plasma CVD Oxford Plasmalab 90
Laboratory of Nano and Quantum EngineeringFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Horizontal-Clustersystem (Ofen)
Laboratory of Nano and Quantum EngineeringFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Ionenimplanter Varian VIISta HCS
Laboratory of Nano and Quantum EngineeringFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Reaktive Ionenätzanlage RIE (SF6 und CHF3)
Laboratory of Nano and Quantum EngineeringFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Rasterelektronenmikroskop mit e-Beam Lithografie
Laboratory of Nano and Quantum EngineeringFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation