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Faculty of Law

Organisational unit: Faculty

Type of address: Visitor address.
Königsworther Platz 1
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  1. Absolute Herrschaftsrechte (publication grant)

    Becker, M. P.

    1 Apr 202131 Mar 2023

    Project: Research

  2. Cluster of Excellence 2052/2: Africa Multiple: Reconfiguring African Studies

    Wiese, V.

    1 Jan 202131 Aug 2023

    Project: Research

  3. SoBigData-PlusPlus: European Integrated Infrastructure for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics

    Nejdl, W., Cornelius-Krügel, T., Anand, A., Leonhardt, L. J., Becker, M. P. & Seckelmann, M.

    1 Jan 202031 Dec 2023

    Project: Research

  4. Verbundvorhaben: Zukunftslabor Gesellschaft und Arbeit

    Nejdl, W., Sternberg, R., Heinze, C., Zerr, S. & Becker, M. P.

    1 Oct 201930 Sept 2024

    Project: Research

  5. Gesamthand und juristische Person (publication grant)

    Dieckmann, A.

    1 Jun 201931 May 2021

    Project: Research