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Institute of Transport and Automation Technology

Organisational unit: Institute

Type of address: Visitor address.
An der Universität 2
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  1. PhoenixD: Cluster of Excellence 2122, Task Group S3: Micro and Nano Photonics

    Demircan, A., Allayarov, I. M., Babushkin, I., Bose, S., Calà Lesina, A., Chichkov, B., Ding, F., Evlyukhin, A., Habibpourmoghadam, A., Haldar, R., Kues, M., Melchert, O., Morgner, U., Mortazavi, B., Vu, B. N., Wriggers, P. & Zhuang, X.

    1 Jan 201931 Dec 2025

    Project: Research

  2. PhoenixD: Cluster of Excellence 2122, Task Group S4: Algorithms, Optimization, Visualization

    Schneider, K., Bande, A., Beuchler, S., Calà Lesina, A., Endtmayer, B., Lankeit, J., Lindauer, M. T., Wick, T. & Wriggers, P.

    1 Jan 201931 Dec 2025

    Project: Research

  3. Collaborative Research Centre 871/3, sub-project B05: Single Crystal Laser Welding

    Kaierle, S., Wesling, V. & Buchbender, I.

    1 Jan 201830 Jun 2022

    Project: Research

  4. Design and Validation of a Belt Conveyor Driven by a Linear Motor

    Overmeyer, L. & Ponick, B.

    1 Feb 201731 Jan 2020

    Project: Transfer

  5. Collaborative Research Centre 871/2, sub-project B05: Single Crystal Laser Welding

    Kaierle, S. & Wesling, V.

    1 Jan 201431 Dec 2017

    Project: Research

  6. PlanOS: Collaborative Research Centre-Transregio 123: Planar Optronic Systems

    Overmeyer, L.

    1 Jan 201331 Dec 2017

    Project: Research

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