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Institute of Finance and Commodity Markets

Organisational unit: Institute

Type of address: Visitor address.
Königsworther Platz 1
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  1. 2024
  2. E-pub ahead of print

    Responsible investing: Upside potential and downside protection?

    Gao, Y., Hoepner, A. G. F., Prokopczuk, M., Rouxelin, F. & Würsig, C. M., Jan 2025, In: International Review of Financial Analysis. 97, 103754.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  3. E-pub ahead of print

    Predicting the equity premium around the globe: Comprehensive evidence from a large sample

    Hollstein, F., Prokopczuk, M., Tharann, B. & Wese Simen, C., 8 Jun 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) In: International Journal of Forecasting. 41, 1, p. 208-228 21 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  4. Published

    Nonstandard Errors

    Menkveld, A., Dreber, A., Holzmeister, F., Huber, J., Johannesson, M., Kirchler, M., Razen, M., Weitzel, U., Abad, D., Abudy, M., Adrian, T., Ait-Sahalia, Y., Akmansoy, O., Alcock, J., Alexeev, V., Aloosh, A., Amato, L., Amaya, D., Angel, J., Bach, A., Baidoo, E., Bakalli, G., Barbon, A., Baschchenko, O., Bindra, P. C., Bjonnes, G. H., Black, J., Black, B. S., Bohorquez, S., Bondarenko, O., Bos, C. S., Bosch-Rosa, C., Bouri, E., Brownlees, C. T., Calamia, A., Cao, V. N., Capelle-Blancard, G., Capera, L., Caporin, M., Carrion, A., Caskurlu, T., Chakrabarty, B., Chernov, M., Cheung, W. M., Chincarini, L., Chordia, T., Chow, S. C., Clapham, B., Colliard, J., Comerton-Forde, C., Curran, E., Dao, T., Dare, W., Davies, R. J., De Blasis, R., De Nard, G., Declerck, F., Deev, O., Degryse, H., Deku, S., Desagre, C., van Dijk, M. A., Dim, C., Dimpfl, T., Dong, Y., Drummond, P., Dudda, T. L., Dumitrescu, A., Dyakov, T., Haubo Dyhrberg, A., Dzielinski, M., Eksi, A., El Kalak, I., ter Ellen, S., Eugster, N., Evans, M. D. D., Farrell, M., Felez-Vinas, E., Ferrara, G., Ferrouhi, E. M., Flori, A., Fluharty-Jaidee, J., Foley, S., Fong, K. Y. L., Foucault, T., Franus, T., Franzoni, F. A., Frijns, B., Frömmel, M., Fu, S., Füllbrunn, S., Gan, B., Gehrig, T., Gerritsen, D., Gil-Bazo, J., Glosten, L. R., Gomez, T., Gorbenko, A., Gücbilmez, U., Grammig, J., Gregoire, V., Hagströmer, B., Hambuckers, J., Hapnes, E., Harris, J. H., Harris, L., Hartmann, S., Hasse, J., Hautsch, N., He, X., Heath, D., Hediger, S., Hendershott, T., Hibbert, A. M., Hjalmarsson, E., Hoelscher, S. A., Hoffmann, P., Holden, C. W., Horenstein, A. R., Huang, W., Huang, D., Hurlin, C., Ivashchenko, A., Iyer, S. R., Jahanshahloo, H., Jalkh, N., Jones, C. M., Jurkatis, S., Jylha, P., Kaeck, A., Kaiser, G., Karam, A., Karmaziene, E., Kassner, B., Kaustia, M., Kazak, E., Kearney, F., van Kervel, V., Khan, S., Khomyn, M., Klein, T., Klein, O., Klos, A., Koetter, M., Krahnen, J. P., Kolokolov, A., Korajczyk, R. A., Kozhan, R., Kwan, A., Lajaunie, Q., Lambert, M., Langlois, H., Lausen, J., Lauter, T., Leippold, M., Levin, V., Li, Y., Li, M. H., Liew, C. Y., Lindner, T., Linton, O. B., Liu, J., Liu, A., Llorente, G., Loff, M., Lohr, A., Longstaff, F. A., Lopez-Lira, A., Mankad, S., Mano, N., Marchal, A., Martinaeu, C., Mazzola, F., Meloso, D., Mihet, R., Mohan, V., Moinas, S., Moore, D., Mu, L., Muravyev, D., Murphy, D., Neszveda, G., Neumeier, C., Nielsson, U., Nimalendran, M., Nolte, S., Norden, L. L., O'Neill, P., Obaid, K., Odegaard, B. A., Östberg, P., Painter, M., Palan, S., Palit, I., Park, A., Pascual, R., Pasquariello, P., Pastor, L., Patel, V., Patton, A. J., Pearson, N. D., Pelizzon, L., Pelster, M., Perignon, C., Pfiffer, C., Philip, R., Plihal, T., Prakash, P., Press, O., Prodromou, T., Prutnins, T. J., Raizada, G., Rakowski, D. A., Ranaldo, A., Regis, L., Reitz, S., Renault, T., Renjie, R. W., Reno, R., Riddiough, S., Rinne, K., Rintamäki, P., Riordan, R., Rittmannsberger, T., Rodriguez-Longarela, I., Rösch, D., Rognone, L., Roseman, B., Rosu, I., Roy, S., Rudolf, N., Rush, S., Rzayev, K., Rzeznik, A., Sanford, A., Sankaran, H., Sarkar, A., Sarno, L., Scaillet, O., Scharnowski, S., Schenk-Hoppe, K. R., Schertler, A., Schneider, M., Schroeder, F., Schuerhoff, N., Schuster, P., Schwarz, M. A., Seasholes, M. S., Seeger, N., Shachar, O., Shkilko, A., Shui, J., Sikic, M., Simion, G., Smales, L. A., Söderlind, P., Sojli, E., Sokolov, K., Spokeviciute, L., Stefanova, D., Subrahmanyam, M. G., Neusüss, S., Szaszi, B., Talavera, O., Tang, Y., Taylor, N., Tham, W. W., Theissen, E., Thimme, J., Tonks, I., Tran, H., Trapin, L., Trolle, A. B., Valente, G., Van Ness, R. A., Vasquez, A., Verousis, T., Verwijmeren, P., Vilhelmsson, A., Vilkov, G., Vladimirov, V., Vogel, S., Voigt, S., Wagner, W., Walther, T., Weiss, P., van der Wel, M., Werner, I. M., Westerholm, P. J., Westheide, C., Wipplinger, E., Wolf, M., Wolff, C. C. P., Wolk, L., Wong, W. K., Wrampelmeyer, J., Xia, S., Xiu, D., Xu, K., Xu, C., Yadav, P. K., Yagüe , J., Yan, C., Yang, A., Yoo, W., Yu, W., Yu, S., Yueshen, B. Z., Yuferova, D., Zamojski, M., Zareei, A., Zeisberger, S., Zhang, S. S., Zhang, X., Zhong, Z., Zhou, Z. I., Zhou, C., Zhu, S., Zoican, M., Zwinkels, R. C. J., Chen, J., Duevski, T., Gao, G., Gemayel, R., Gilder, D., Kuhle, P., Pagnotta, E., Pelli, M., Sönksen, J., Zhang, L., Ilczuk, K., Bogoev, D., Qian, Y., Wika, H. C., Yu, Y., Zhao, L., Mi, M., Bao, L., Vaduva, A., Prokopczuk, M., Avetikian, A. & Wu, Z., Jun 2024, In: Journal of Finance. p. 2339-2390 52 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  5. Published

    Market power and systematic risk

    Hollstein, F., Prokopczuk, M. & Würsig, C. M., 7 May 2024, In: Financial Management. 53, 2, p. 233-266 34 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  6. Published

    Measuring Tail Risk

    Dierkes, M., Hollstein, F., Prokopczuk, M. & Würsig, C. M., Apr 2024, In: Journal of Econometrics. 241, 2, 24 p., 105769.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  7. Accepted/In press

    Estimating Stock Market Betas via Machine Learning

    Drobetz, W., Hollstein, F., Otto, T. & Prokopczuk, M., 2024, (Accepted/In press) In: Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  8. 2023
  9. Published

    How Robust are Empirical Factor Models to the Choice of Breakpoints?

    Hollstein, F., Prokopczuk, M. & Voigts, V., 8 Nov 2023, In: The Quarterly Journal of Finance. 13, 4, 2350011.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  10. Published

    Managing the Market Portfolio

    Hollstein, F. & Prokopczuk, M., Jun 2023, In: Management Science. 69, 6, p. 3675-3696 22 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  11. Published

    Conscientiousness and Performance: The Influence of Personality on Investment Decisions

    Lauter, T., Prokopczuk, M. & Trück, S., Mar 2023, In: The Journal of Wealth Management. 25, 4, p. 17-44 28 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  12. Published

    Which Factors for Corporate Bond Returns?

    Dang, T. D., Hollstein, F. & Prokopczuk, M., 23 Feb 2023, In: Review of Asset Pricing Studies. 13, 4, p. 615-652 38 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  13. Published

    Commodity Tail Risks

    Amman, M., Moerke, M., Prokopczuk, M. & Würsig, C. M., 7 Jan 2023, In: Journal of Futures Markets. 43, 2, p. 168-197 30 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  14. Published

    Essays on asset pricing factor models

    Dang, T. D., 2023, Hannover. 217 p.

    Research output: ThesisDoctoral thesis

  15. 2022
  16. Published

    Measuring commodity market quality

    Lauter, T. & Prokopczuk, M., Dec 2022, In: Journal of Banking and Finance. 145, 106658.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  17. Published

    Testing Factor Models in the Cross-Section

    Hollstein, F. & Prokopczuk, M., Dec 2022, In: Journal of Banking and Finance. 145, 106626.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  18. Published

    Local, regional, or global asset pricing?

    Hollstein, F., Feb 2022, In: Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. 57, 1, p. 291-320 30 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  19. Published

    Volatility and Systematic Risks in Financial Markets

    Würsig, C. M., 2022, Hannover. 292 p.

    Research output: ThesisDoctoral thesis

  20. 2021
  21. Published

    The Natural Gas Announcement Day Puzzle

    Prokopczuk, M., Wese Simen, C. & Wichman, R., 25 Dec 2021, In: Energy Journal. 42, 2, p. 91-112

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  22. Published

    Pricing analysis of wind power derivatives for renewable energy risk management

    Kanamura, T., Homann, L. & Prokopczuk, M., 15 Dec 2021, In: Applied Energy. 304, 117827.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  23. Published

    Predictability in Commodity Markets: Evidence from More Than a Century

    Hollstein, F., Prokopczuk, M., Tharann, B. & Wese Simen, C., Dec 2021, In: Journal of Commodity Markets. 24, 100171.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  24. Published

    Anomalies in Commodity Futures Markets

    Hollstein, F., Prokopczuk, M. & Tharann, B., 6 Oct 2021, In: The Quarterly Journal of Finance. 11, 4, 43 p., 2150017.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

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