Sat2Pos – Real-Time Applikationen mit Smartphone und High-End GNSSEquipment
Kersten, T. (Examiner) & Schön, S. (Examiner)
2017 → 2018Activity: Supervision of theses and other academic qualification work › Supervision of other academic qualification work
Dynamische und Adaptive Elevationsmasken zur Optimierung der Koordinatenqualität in GNSS-Netzen
Kersten, T. (Examiner) & Schön, S. (Examiner)
Mar 2016 → Sept 2016Activity: Supervision of theses and other academic qualification work › Supervision of other academic qualification work
GNSS-Doppeldifferenzanalyse für urbane Monitoringansätze
Kersten, T. (Examiner) & Schön, S. (Examiner)
Mar 2016 → Sept 2016Activity: Supervision of theses and other academic qualification work › Supervision of other academic qualification work
Journal of Applied Geodesy (Journal)
Kersten, T. (Reviewer)
2016Activity: Publication/conference peer review and editorial work › Publication peer review
Analyse verschiedener Reflektormaterialien auf die GNSS-Signalqualität
Kersten, T. (Examiner) & Schön, S. (Examiner)
Mar 2015 → Sept 2015Activity: Supervision of theses and other academic qualification work › Supervision of other academic qualification work
Einfluss von Antennenkalibrierwerten auf die präzise GNSS-Prozessierung mit verschiedenen Softwarepaketen
Kersten, T. (Examiner) & Schön, S. (Examiner)
Mar 2014 → Sept 2014Activity: Supervision of theses and other academic qualification work › Supervision of master's thesis
Die neuen GNSS – ein Gewinn in der Positionsgenauigkeit
Kersten, T. (Examiner) & Krawinkel, T. (Examiner)
2014 → 2015Activity: Supervision of theses and other academic qualification work › Supervision of other academic qualification work
Satellitengestützte Orientierungsbestimmung, Bachelor Seminar
Kersten, T. (Examiner), Bischof, C. P. (Examiner), Krawinkel, T. (Examiner) & Schön, S. (Examiner)
2013 → 2014Activity: Supervision of theses and other academic qualification work › Supervision of other academic qualification work
Herausforderungen der GNSS Prozessierung - Datenfusion von GPS / GLONASS
Kersten, T. (Examiner) & Schön, S. (Examiner)
Mar 2012 → Sept 2012Activity: Supervision of theses and other academic qualification work › Supervision of other academic qualification work
International Association of Geodesy (External organisation)
Müller, J. (Member)
2012Activity: Membership › Membership in a scientific committee › Research