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Institute of Electrothermic Process Engineering

Organisational unit: Institute

Type of address: Visitor addres
Wilhelm-Busch-Straße 4
641 - 660 out of 777Page size: 20


  1. 2001

  2. Published

    Grundlagen elektrothermischer Verfahren: Folge 3: Konduktive Erwärmung

    Baake, E., 2001, In: Elektrowärme international (EWI). 59, 3, p. 116-117

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearch

  3. Published

    Heat and mass transfer in turbulent flows with several recirculated flow eddies

    Baake, E., Nacke, B., Jakovics, A. & Umbrashko, A., 2001, In: Magnetohydrodynamics. 37, 1-2, p. 13-22 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer review

  4. Published

    Influence of the crystal orientation on the microscopic crystallization instabilities during FZ silicon crystal growth

    Madzulis, I., Muiznieks, A., Mühlbauer, A. & Raming, G., 2001, Modeling in crystal growth: proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Modeling in Crystal Growth, Hauppauge, New York, USA, 18 - 20 October 2000. Amsterdam: Elsevier, p. 37-38

    Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingConference contributionResearch

  5. Published

    International Seminar on Heating by Internal Sources in Padua/Italy

    Nikanorov, A. & Baake, E., 2001, In: Elektrowärme international (EWI). 59, 4, p. 159

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearch

  6. Published

    Mathematical modelling of the industrial CZ crystal growth: melt hydrodynamics control by imposed magnetic fields

    Mühlbauer, A., Muiznieks, A., Wetzel, T. & Rudevičs, A., 2001, Proceedings of the International Colloquium Modelling for Saving Resources: Riga, May 17 - 18, 2001. Riga, 6 p.

    Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingConference contributionResearch

  7. Published

    Measurement of the electrical conductivity of zircon at high temperatures

    Jakovics, A., Kirpo, M., Veispals, B., Nacke, B. & Baake, E., 2001, Proceedings of the International Colloquium Modelling for Saving Resources: Riga, May 17 - 18, 2001. Riga, p. 135-141

    Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingConference contributionResearch

  8. Published

    Microscopic model of crystal growth using the mean field approximation

    Madzulis, I., Muiznieks, A., Mühlbauer, A. & Krauze, A., 2001, Proceedings of the International Colloquium Modelling for Saving Resources: Riga, May 17 - 18, 2001. Riga, p. 6

    Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingConference contributionResearch

  9. Published

    Modellierung des industriellen FZ-Prozesses zur Züchtung von Silizium-Einkristallen

    Raming, G., 2001, Düsseldorf. 159 p.

    Research output: ThesisDoctoral thesis

  10. Published

    Numerical 3D study of the rotational striations in FZ-grown crystal

    Muiznieks, A., Raming, G., Mühlbauer, A. & Ratnieks, G., 2001, Modeling in crystal growth: proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Modeling in Crystal Growth, Hauppauge, New York, USA, 18 - 20 October 2000. Amsterdam: Elsevier, p. 21-22

    Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingConference contributionResearch

  11. Published

    Numerical investigation of Si melt flow in large diameter CZ crucibles under the influence of various AC and DC fields

    Virbulis, J., Wetzel, T., Muiznieks, A., Mühlbauer, A., von Ammon, W., Dornberger, E., Tomzig, E. & Hanna, B., 2001, Modeling in crystal growth: proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Modeling in Crystal Growth, Hauppauge, New York, USA, 18 - 20 October 2000. Amsterdam: Elsevier, p. 31-32

    Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingConference contributionResearch

  12. Published

    Numerical investigation of the influence of EM-Fields on fluid motion and resistivity distribution during Floating-Zone (FZ) growth of large silicon single crystals

    Muiznieks, A., Raming, G. & Mühlbauer, A., 2001, Modeling in crystal growth: proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Modeling in Crystal Growth, Hauppauge, New York, USA, 18 - 20 October 2000. Amsterdam: Elsevier, p. 35-36

    Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingConference contributionResearch

  13. Published

    Numerical model of turbulent CZ melt flow in the presence of AC and DC fields and its verification in a laboratory facility

    Wetzel, T., Baake, E., Mühlbauer, A., Gelfgat, Y., Gorbunov, L., Virbulis, J., Tomzig, E. & von Ammon, W., 2001, Modeling in crystal growth: proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Modeling in Crystal Growth, Hauppauge, New York, USA, 18 - 20 October 2000. Amsterdam: Elsevier, p. 13-14

    Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingConference contributionResearch

  14. Published

    Optimierte Auslegung von induktiven Querfeld-Banderwärmern

    Nauvertat, G., Falter-Braun, P., Mühlbauer, A., Nacke, B. & Nikanorov, A., 2001, In: Metall. 55, 12, p. 51-55

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearch

  15. Published

    Optimiertes Design industrieller induktiver Querfeld-Banderwärmungsanlagen

    Nauvertat, G., 2001, Düsseldorf. 143 p.

    Research output: ThesisDoctoral thesis

  16. Published

    Optimierung des thermischen Verhaltens metallischer Schmelzen im Kaltwand-Induktions-Tiegelofen

    Bernier, F., 2001, Düsseldorf.

    Research output: ThesisDoctoral thesis

  17. Published

    Rational Use of Energy in Induction Heaters for Forging Industry

    Wrona, E. & Nacke, B., 2001, Proceedings of the International Colloquium Modelling for Saving Resources: Riga, May 17 - 18, 2001. Riga, p. 153-157

    Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingConference contributionResearch

  18. Published

    Simulation of CZ single crystal growth from Si-Ge solution

    Muiznieks, A., Buligins, L., Krauze, A. & Mühlbauer, A., 2001, Proceedings of the International Colloquium Modelling for Saving Resources: Riga, May 17 - 18, 2001. Riga, 6 p.

    Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingConference contributionResearch

  19. Published

    Stress-induced dislocation generation in large FZ- and CZ-silicon single crystals - numerical model and qualitative considerations

    Muiznieks, A., Raming, G., Mühlbauer, A., Virbulis, J., Hanna, B. & von Ammon, W., 2001, Modeling in crystal growth: proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Modeling in Crystal Growth, Hauppauge, New York, USA, 18 - 20 October 2000. Amsterdam: Elsevier, p. 33-34

    Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingConference contributionResearch

  20. Published

    Strömung und Temperaturverteilung in Tiegelinduktoröfen zum Speichern und Gießen von Gusseisen

    Baake, E., Dötsch, E. & Nacke, B., 2001, In: Elektrowärme international (EWI). 59, 1, p. 15-20

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearch

  21. Published

    Transverse flux heating in modern energy saving lines for metal rolling and treatment

    Nacke, B., Behrens, T., Baake, E., Blinov, Y., Lopukh, D., Petchenkov, A., Martynov, A. & Pozniak, I., 2001, Proceedings of the International Colloquium Modelling for Saving Resources: Riga, May 17 - 18, 2001. Riga, p. 589-596

    Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingConference contributionResearch