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Institute of Drive Systems and Power Electronics

Organisational unit: Institute

Type of address: Visitor address.
Welfengarten 1 (Westflügel)
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  1. Research stay of visiting scientist from South Africa

    Ponick, B.

    1 Jan 202431 Dec 2024

    Project: Research

  2. DC power supply

    Ponick, B.

    1 Mar 202231 Dec 2026

    Project: Research

  3. Bordnetzversorgung mit DC-Spannung und Kühleinrichtung

    Ponick, B.

    1 Dec 202131 Dec 2023

    Project: Research

  4. Research stay of visiting scientist from south africa

    Ponick, B.

    1 May 202131 Dec 2022

    Project: Research

  5. SE2A: Cluster of Excellence 2163: Sustainable and Energy-Efficient Aviation

    Dinkelacker, F., Friebe, J., Hanke-Rauschenbach, R., Helber, S., Mertens, A., Ponick, B., Rolfes, R., Seume, J. R., Gronau, S. & Barlösius, E.

    1 Jan 201931 Dec 2025

    Project: Research

  6. Modulares Umrichtersystem mit variabler Steuerung

    Mertens, A.

    4 Oct 201831 Dec 2019

    Project: Research

  7. Investigation on the efficiency potentials of anti-resonat driven high power ultrasonic systems compared to resonant operation

    Mertens, A., Twiefel, J. & Wallaschek, J.

    1 Jan 201830 Jun 2021

    Project: Research

  8. Design and Validation of a Belt Conveyor Driven by a Linear Motor

    Overmeyer, L. & Ponick, B.

    1 Feb 201731 Jan 2020

    Project: Transfer

  9. MIGRATE: Massive InteGRATion of power Electronic devices

    Mertens, A. & Hofmann, L.

    1 Jan 201631 Dec 2019

    Project: Research

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