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Institute of Algebraic Geometry

Organisational unit: Institute

Type of address: Visitor address.
Welfengarten 1
D 30167
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  1. Topological properties of algebraic varieties

    Schreieder, S.

    1 Apr 202031 Mar 2022

    Project: Research

  2. Order zeta functions of number rings and resolution of singularities

    Frühbis-Krüger, A.

    1 Aug 201731 Jul 2020

    Project: Research

  3. Orbifold concepts in equivariant singularity theory

    Ebeling, W. & Schütt, M.

    1 May 201731 Aug 2021

    Project: Research

  4. Compactifications of moduli spaces of K3 surfaces and IHSM

    Hulek, K.

    1 Sept 201631 Dec 2019

    Project: Research

  5. SURFARI: Arithmetic of algebraic surfaces

    Schütt, M.

    1 Oct 201130 Sept 2016

    Project: Research