Alkhatib, Hamza
Dr.- Geodetic Institute - Researcher
- Research Training Group 2159: Integrity and Collaboration in Dynamic Sensor networks (i.c.sens) - Senior Researcher
Person: Academic (Staff)
Moftizadeh, Rozhin
Dr.- Geodetic Institute - Researcher
- Research Training Group 2159: Integrity and Collaboration in Dynamic Sensor networks (i.c.sens) - Researcher
Person: Academic (Staff)
Neumann, Ingo
Prof. Dr.- Geodetic Institute - Executive Director, Professor
- Research Training Group 2159: Integrity and Collaboration in Dynamic Sensor networks (i.c.sens) - Professor
Person: Academic (Staff)
Scherff, Marvin
- Geodetic Institute - Researcher
- Research Training Group 2159: Integrity and Collaboration in Dynamic Sensor networks (i.c.sens) - Researcher
Person: Academic (Staff)
Voß, Winrich
Prof. Dr.- Geodetic Institute - Emeritus/Retired Professors
Person: Other (Associated/Guest)