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L3S Research Centre

Organisational unit: Leibniz Research Centre

Type of address: Visitor address.
Appelstraße 9A
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  1. FeelMaTyC: Feedback-less Machine-Type Communication

    Peissig, J. K. & Fidler, M.

    1 Apr 201731 Mar 2020

    Project: Research

  2. DESIR: DARIAH ERIC Sustainability Refined

    Nejdl, W.

    1 Jan 201731 Dec 2019

    Project: Research

  3. OSCAR: Opinion Stream Classification with Ensembles and Active leaRners

    Ntoutsi, E.

    1 Oct 201630 Sept 2018

    Project: Research

  4. Profiling Toolkit for High Performance Computing

    von Voigt, G.

    1 Oct 201630 Sept 2019

    Project: Research

  5. THINGS2DO: THIN but Great Silicon 2 Design Objects

    Blume, H. C. & Behmann, N.

    1 Jun 201630 Jun 2018

    Project: Research

  6. Holistic Scene Understanding

    Rosenhahn, B. & Yang, M. Y.

    1 Jun 201431 May 2020

    Project: Research

  7. Factorization Approaches for 3D-Reconstruction of Rigid and Non-Rigid Scenes

    Ackermann, H.

    1 Mar 201428 Feb 2017

    Project: Research

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