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Freilandflächen Herrenhausen
Winkelmann, T. (Head)
Section Reproduction and DevelopmentFacility/Equipment: Research Building
Durchflusszytometer CyFlow™ RP-310 Ploidy Analyzer
Winkelmann, T. (Head)
Section Reproduction and DevelopmentFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Flachbettscanner mit WinRhizo software
Winkelmann, T. (Head)
Section Reproduction and DevelopmentFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Zentrales In-vitro-Labor
Winkelmann, T. (Head)
Section Reproduction and DevelopmentFacility/Equipment: Research Building
Keyence VHX-7000 Digitalmikroskop
Winkelmann, T. (Head)
Section Reproduction and DevelopmentFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Zeiss AxioScope A1
Winkelmann, T. (Head)
Section Reproduction and DevelopmentFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
LI-6800, Hersteller LICOR
Winkelmann, T. (Head)
Institute of Plant GeneticsFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation