Wissenschaftliche Beratung der OG "Offene Zucht von Blattlausgegenspielern im Freiland zur biologischen Blattlausbekäpfung im Frühjahr"
Meyhöfer, R. (Consultant)
1 Oct 2024 → 30 Sept 2027Activity: Consultancy/Reviewing › Consultancy
Colour preference and attraction of selected natural enemies towards light-emitting diodes (LED) monitoring traps.
Meyhöfer, R. (Examiner) & Grupe, B. A. (Examiner)
2023Activity: Supervision of theses and other academic qualification work › Supervision of master's thesis
Impact of factors for dispersal induction on important whitefly antagonists:
Meyhöfer, R. (Examiner) & Rose, H. (Examiner)
2023Activity: Supervision of theses and other academic qualification work › Supervision of master's thesis
Suitability of Plant Species in Tailored Flower Strips for Development of Pest Insect, Alternative Hosts and Natural Enemies
Meyhöfer, R. (Examiner) & Rose, H. (Examiner)
2023Activity: Supervision of theses and other academic qualification work › Supervision of master's thesis
Untersuchungen zum Orientierungsverhalten der Schlupfwespe Encarsia tricolor bei Einsatz in Offene Zucht Systemen zur Bekämpfung der Kohlmottenschildlaus im Freiland.
Meyhöfer, R. (Examiner) & Laurenz, S. (Examiner)
2023Activity: Supervision of theses and other academic qualification work › Supervision of master's thesis
Impact of wildflower strips on local biodiversity of selected arthropod groups
Meyhöfer, R. (Examiner) & Poppenborg Martin, E. A. (Examiner)
2022Activity: Supervision of theses and other academic qualification work › Supervision of master's thesis
Analyse von Resistenzfaktoren in Chrysanthemum x morifolium Ramat gegenüber Frankliniella occidentalis.
Meyhöfer, R. (Examiner) & Maiß, E. (Examiner)
2021Activity: Supervision of theses and other academic qualification work › Supervision of master's thesis
Einfluss der Salizylsäure auf die Resistenz von Chrysanthemen gegenüber Frankliniella occidentalis.
Meyhöfer, R. (Examiner) & Maiß, E. (Examiner)
2021Activity: Supervision of theses and other academic qualification work › Supervision of master's thesis
Investigating the behaviour of F. occidentalis in response to selected LED traps under various conditions.
Meyhöfer, R. (Examiner) & Maiß, E. (Examiner)
2021Activity: Supervision of theses and other academic qualification work › Supervision of master's thesis
Gesellschaft für Ökologie e.V. (External organisation)
Meyhöfer, R. (Member)
2002Activity: Membership › Membership in a scientific association/a scientific community
German Phytomedical Society (DPG) (External organisation)
Meyhöfer, R. (Member)
1997Activity: Membership › Membership in a scientific society/academy of science › Research
Deutscher Hochschulverband (DHV) (External organisation)
Meyhöfer, R. (Member)
1996Activity: Membership › Membership in a scientific association/a scientific community
German Society for General and Applied Entomology (DGaaE) (External organisation)
Meyhöfer, R. (Member)
1992Activity: Membership › Membership in a scientific society/academy of science › Research