hochauflösendes Multikollektor ICP-MS Neptune von Thermofisher, ausgestattet mit Faraday Detektoren und Ionenzählern
Mineralogy SectionFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
hochauflösendes Multikollektor ICP-MS Neptune Plus von Thermofisher, ausgestattet mit Faraday Detektoren und Ionenzählern
Mineralogy SectionFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Rasterelekronenmikroskop JEOL JSM-7610F field emission gun scanning electron microscope with Bruker EDS system
Mineralogy SectionFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
hochauflösendes Sektorfeld ICP-MS Element XR von Thermofisher
Mineralogy SectionFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Elektronenstrahlmikrosonde JEOL FEG-Mikrosonde JXA-iHP200F
Mineralogy SectionFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Massenspektrometer Agilent 8900 Triple-Quadrupole gekoppelt
Mikutta, C. (Head)
Mineralogy SectionFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Röntgendiffraktometer Bruker D8 Advance
Mikutta, C. (Head)
Mineralogy SectionFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
X-ray Diffractometer
Mikutta, C. (Head)
Mineralogy SectionFacility/Equipment: Major Research Instrumentation
X-ray microscopy as a fast response tool to exploit processing-microstructure-property relationships for advanced material development
Maier, H. (Head), Wriggers, P. (Head) & Behrens, H. (Head)
Institute of Materials ScienceFacility/Equipment: Major Research Instrumentation