Physics of Fluids

  • Physics of Fluids
  • Physics of Fluids
  • Physics of fluids
Additional searchable titlesJ. PHYS. FLUIDS, M.T. AND LUMLEY, J.L. (EDS.), NEW YORK, U.S.A., AM. INST. OF PHYSICS, 1976). PHYS. FLUIDS, PBB HYS. FLUIDS, PHYS FLUIDS, PHYS. FLUID, PHYS. FLUID., PHYS. FLUIDS, PHYS. FLUIDS., PHYS. OF FLUIDS., PHYS.FLUIDS, Physics in Fluids, PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, Physics of Fluids A, The Physics Of Fluids, University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Geological Circular
ISSNs0031-9171, 1070-6631
Additional searchable ISSN (electronic)1089-7666
PublisherAmerican Institute of Physics
Scopus ID11000153789