Nuclear Instruments and Methods In Physics Research

  • Nuclear Instruments and Methods In Physics Research
  • Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
  • Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research: Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment
  • Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A
Additional searchable titlesMICROANAL USING CHARGED PART ACCEL, PROC OF THE INT CONF ON CHEM ANAL, 2ND, NUCL INSTRUM METHODS PHYS RES, NUCL. INSTRUM. & METHODS IN PHYS. RES., NUCL. INSTRUM. & METHODS PHYS. RES., Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research
ISSNs0167-5087, 0168-9002
Scopus ID29067