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7 Results
High-Precision-Multicollector-ICP-MS (Neptune, Thermofisher) equipped with Faraday cups and Ion counters
Mineralogy SectionFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
ThermoScientific Sectorfield Element XR
Mineralogy SectionFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
ESI-MS (Bruker Micro TOF II)
Polarz, S. (Head)
Institute of Inorganic ChemistryFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
MALDI; Bruker Microflex LT
Institute of Organic ChemistryFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
hochauflösende EI-MS (Direkteinlass); Waters GCT Premier
Institute of Organic ChemistryFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Massenspektrometer Agilent 8900 Triple-Quadrupole gekoppelt
Mikutta, C. (Head)
Mineralogy SectionFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation