Electron microprobe JEOL JXA-iHP200F

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation



The JEOL Hyperprobe uses a Schottky field emission gun and five wavelength dispersive X-ray spectrometers (WDS) with a detection limit around 20 ppm (10-5). The electron microprobe allows for in-situ, non-destructive analysis of elements between atomic numbers 4 (Be) and 92 (U) on a micrometer (10-6) scale. The WDS spectrometers can analyse all elements Z > 9 with different crystals (LIF, PET, TAP). Additionally, the crystals LDE1, LDE2, LDEB can be used for light elements (Be, B, C, N, O, F). Elements with an atomic number > 37 (Rb) are analysed using characteristic L- and M-Lines. The device also includes an energy dispersive 30 mm2-silica-drift-detector (EDS / SSD). The software licenses “Easy-EPMA” (JEOL) and “Probe for EPMA” (Donovan) are available to perform the measurements. 

Access to facility/equipment

NameRenat Almeev
Available for loan/bookingPlease contact the contact person