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- 2021
Deutscher Tee & Kräutertee Verband e.V. (External organisation)
2021 → …Activity: Membership › Membership in a scientific council/commission
Digital Water Institute e.V. (DWI) (External organisation)
Hack, J. (Member)
2021 → …Activity: Membership › Membership in the board of an organization
Einfluss der Salizylsäure auf die Resistenz von Chrysanthemen gegenüber Frankliniella occidentalis.
Meyhöfer, R. (Examiner) & Maiß, E. (Examiner)
2021Activity: Supervision of theses and other academic qualification work › Supervision of master's thesis
Engineering in Life Sciences (Journal)
2021 → …Activity: Publication/conference peer review and editorial work › Publication peer review
European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) (External organisation)
2021Activity: Membership › Membership in a scientific association/a scientific community
Experimental Cell Research (Journal)
2021Activity: Publication/conference peer review and editorial work › Publication peer review
Fachgutachterin für die DFG
2021 → …Activity: Consultancy/Reviewing › Reviewing of research proposals
forA on the Urban (Journal)
2021 → …Activity: Publication/conference peer review and editorial work › Publication peer review
Gastvortragsreihe "Empirische Mehrsprachigkeitsforschung"
Binanzer, A. (Organiser) & Seifert, H. (Organiser)
2021 → 2022Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Organising a conference/workshop etc. › Research
Göttingen-Hannover Number Theory Workshop
Mitankin, V. (Participant)
2021 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in a conference/workshop etc. › Research
Gutachter für den Deutschen Akademischen Austausch Dienst (DAAD)
Hack, J. (Consultant)
2021 → …Activity: Consultancy/Reviewing › Reviewing of research proposals
Historische Anthropologie (Journal)
Wildt, M. (Reviewer) & Wagner-Hasel, B. (Reviewer)
2021Activity: Publication/conference peer review and editorial work › Editorial work
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies (Journal)
2021Activity: Publication/conference peer review and editorial work › Publication peer review
Investigating the behaviour of F. occidentalis in response to selected LED traps under various conditions.
Meyhöfer, R. (Examiner) & Maiß, E. (Examiner)
2021Activity: Supervision of theses and other academic qualification work › Supervision of master's thesis
Journal for Nature Conservation (Journal)
2021Activity: Publication/conference peer review and editorial work › Publication peer review
Journal for Nature Conservation (Journal)
2021Activity: Publication/conference peer review and editorial work › Publication peer review
Journal of Cellular Physiology (Journal)
2021 → …Activity: Publication/conference peer review and editorial work › Publication peer review
Junior Researchers of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (JURE) (External organisation)
2021 → …Activity: Membership › Membership in a scientific society/academy of science › Research
Learning and motivation (Journal)
2021Activity: Publication/conference peer review and editorial work › Publication peer review