connect.3 In motion ...

Activity: Participating in or organising an eventOrganising a conference/workshop etc.Research


  • Margitta Buchert (Participant)
  • Clemens von Wedemeyer (Participant)
  • Christophe Hutin (Participant)
  • Maurizio Ferraris (Participant)
  • Peter Kogler (Participant)
  • Beat Mathys (Participant)
  • Christopher Dell (Participant)
  • Ilona Németh (Participant)
  • Paul Robbrecht (Participant)

Research Organisations

External Research Organisations

  • Academy of Visual Arts, Leipzig
  • University of Turin
  • HafenCity University Hamburg (HCU)
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Organising a conference/workshop etc.

Event (Conference)

Event Nameconnect.3 In motion ...
Abbreviated titleconnect.3
Date18 Jun 2007 → …
LocationFakultät für Architektur und Landschaft, Herrenhäuser Straße 8
Degree of recognitionInternational event

18 Jun 2007


The spiritual as well as real-spatial contexts of our living world have always been 'in motion'. The processes of transformation between past, present and future confront reflexes of preservation with the potentiality of the unknown. With modernism at the latest, physical and mental qualities of movement become explicitly emergent topoi of architectural and artistic ideas and works. In the context of contemporary cultures and world models, they increasingly take on greater significance and scope. As processes and experiences in space and time, they characterize specific dynamics not only in processes of globalization or mediatized communication. The symposium aims to exemplify these complex contexts of impact and perception through positions from architecture, art and philosophy. Contemporary and time-spanning parameters and possibilities of movement will be presented as aesthetic phenomena and reflected on in a transdisciplinary way. 'In Motion' ranges from built and medial transformations to space-forming structures and sequences to correlations of situations and places that can be experienced physically as well as conceptually. This opens up a multi-layered tension field for an insightful and future-oriented interrogation of the presents between architecture and art.

Clemens von Wedemeyer, Leipzig
Christophe Hutin, Bordeaux
Maurizio Ferraris, Turin

Rhythms und Intervals
Peter Kogler, Wien
Beat Mathys, Bern
Christopher Dell, Berlin

Situations und Places
Ilona Németh, Bratislava
Paul Robbrecht, Gent
Margitta Buchert, Hannover/Köln