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Genetic diversity and pathogenicity of Sphaceloma rosarum (teleomorph Elsinoë rosarum) causing spot anthracnose on roses
Bagsic, I., Linde, M. & Debener, T., 1 Aug. 2016, in: Plant pathology. 65, 6, S. 978-986 9 S.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Improved genetic resolution for linkage mapping of resistance to potato wart in monoparental dihaploids with potential diagnostic value in tetraploid potato varieties
Bartkiewicz, A., Chilla, F., Terefe-Ayana, D., Lübeck, J., Strahwald, J., Tacke, E., Hofferbert, H. R., Flath, K., Linde, M. & Debener, T., Dez. 2018, in: Theoretical and applied genetics. 131, 12, S. 2555-2566 12 S.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Maximization of Markers Linked in Coupling for Tetraploid Potatoes via Monoparental Haploids
Bartkiewicz, A. M., Chilla, F., Terefe-Ayana, D., Lübeck, J., Strahwald, J., Tacke, E., Hofferbert, H. R., Linde, M. & Debener, T., 7 Mai 2018, in: Frontiers in Plant Science. 9, 620.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Automated image registration of RGB, hyperspectral and chlorophyll fluorescence imaging data
Bethge, H. L., Weisheit, I., Dortmund, M. S., Landes, T., Zabic, M., Linde, M., Debener, T. & Heinemann, D., 17 Nov. 2024, in: Plant Methods. 20, 1, 175.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Molecular markers from a BAC contig spanning the Rdr1 locus: A tool for marker-assisted selection in roses
Biber, A., Kaufmann, H., Linde, M., Spiller, M., Terefe, D. & Debener, T., Jan. 2010, in: Theoretical and applied genetics. 120, 4, S. 765-773 9 S.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Genomic and Transcriptomic Resources for Marker Development in Synchytrium endobioticum, an Elusive but Severe Potato Pathogen
Busse, F., Bartkiewicz, A., Terefe-Ayana, D., Niepold, F., Schleusner, Y., Flath, K., Sommerfeldt-Impe, N., Lübeck, J., Strahwald, J., Tacke, E., Hofferbert, H. R., Linde, M., Przetakiewicz, J. & Debener, T., März 2017, in: PHYTOPATHOLOGY. 107, 3, S. 322-328 7 S.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Expression of putative aquaporin genes in sweet cherry is higher in flesh than skin and most are downregulated during development
Chen, Y. H., Khanal, B. P., Linde, M., Debener, T., Alkio, M. & Knoche, M., 26 Jan. 2019, in: Scientia horticulturae. 244, S. 304-314 11 S.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Genetic and molecular analyses of key loci involved in self incompatibility and floral scent in roses
Debener, T., Bretzke, M., Dreier, K., Spiller, M., Linde, M., Kaufmann, H., Berger, R. G. & Krings, U., 31 Juli 2010, Acta Horticulturae. International Society for Horticultural Science, S. 183-190 8 S. (Acta Horticulturae; Band 870).Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Sammelwerk/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Buch/Sammelwerk › Forschung › Peer-Review
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The utilisation of molecular tools for rose breeding and genetics
Debener, T., Linde, M., Dohm, A. & Kaufmann, H., 2004Publikation: Buch/Bericht/Sammelwerk/Konferenzband › Monografie › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Exploring complex ornamental genomes: The rose as a model plant
Debener, T. & Linde, M., Juli 2009, in: Critical reviews in plant sciences. 28, 4, S. 267-280 14 S.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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P Starvation in Roses Leads to Strongly Genotype-Dependent Induction of P-Transporter Genes during Black Spot Leaf Disease
Domes, H. S., Neu, E., Linde, M. & Debener, T., 24 Mai 2022, in: Journal of Fungi. 8, 6, 549.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Genetic analysis of rose resistance genes and their localisation in the rose genome
Hattendorf, A., Linde, M., Mattiesch, L., Debener, T. & Kaufmann, H., 24 Juni 2004, XXI International Eucarpia Symposium on Classical versus Molecular Breeding ofrnamentals - Part II. International Society for Horticultural Science, S. 123-130 8 S. (Acta Horticulturae; Band 651).Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Sammelwerk/Konferenzband › Aufsatz in Konferenzband › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Identification of major stable QTLs for flower color in roses
Henz, A., Debener, T. & Linde, M., 29 Okt. 2015, in: Molecular breeding. 35, 10, 190.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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The identification of the Rosa S-locus provides new insights into the breeding and wild origins of continuous-flowering roses
Kawamura, K., Ueda, Y., Matsumoto, S., Horibe, T., Otagaki, S., Wang, L., Wang, G., Hibrand-Saint Oyant, L., Foucher, F., Linde, M. & Debener, T., 1 Okt. 2022, in: Horticulture research. 9, uhac155.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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The influence of strigolactone pathway genes on plant architecture: A study on the inheritance of horticultural traits in chrysanthemum
Klie, M., Linde, M. & Debener, T., 28 Juni 2015, XXV International EUCARPIA Symposium Section Ornamentals: Crossing Borders. Van Huylenbroeck, J. & Dhooghe, E. (Hrsg.). International Society for Horticultural Science, S. 171-178 8 S. (Acta Horticulturae; Band 1087).Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Sammelwerk/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Buch/Sammelwerk › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Strigolactone pathway genes and plant architecture: Association analysis and QTL detection for horticultural traits in chrysanthemum
Klie, M., Menz, I., Linde, M. & Debener, T., Apr. 2016, in: Molecular genetics and genomics. 291, 2, S. 957-969 13 S.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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The type of ploidy of chrysanthemum is not black or white: A comparison of a molecular approach to published cytological methods
Klie, M., Schie, S., Linde, M. & Debener, T., 23 Sept. 2014, in: Frontiers in Plant Science. 5, 479.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Lack of structure in the gene pool of the highly polyploid ornamental chrysanthemum
Klie, M., Menz, I., Linde, M. & Debener, T., Aug. 2013, in: Molecular breeding. 32, 2, S. 339-348 10 S.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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AFLP markers as a tool to reconstruct complex relationships: A case study in Rosa (Rosaceae)
Koopman, W. J. M., Wissemann, V., De Cock, K., Van Huylenbroeck, J., De Riek, J., Sabatino, G. J. H., Visser, D., Vosman, B., Ritz, C. M., Maes, B., Werlemark, G., Nybom, H., Debener, T., Linde, M. & Smulders, M. J. M., März 2008, in: American journal of botany. 95, 3, S. 353-366 14 S.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Evaluation of reproductive barriers contributes to the development of novel interspecific hybrids in the Kalanchoë genus
Kuligowska, K., Lütken, H., Christensen, B., Skovgaard, I., Linde, M., Winkelmann, T. & Müller, R., 2015, in: BMC plant biology.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review