Space gravitational-wave antennas DECIGO and B-DECIGO

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftÜbersichtsarbeitForschungPeer-Review


  • Seiji Kawamura
  • Takashi Nakamura
  • Masaki Ando
  • Naoki Seto
  • Tomotada Akutsu
  • Ikkoh Funaki
  • Kunihito Ioka
  • Nobuyuki Kanda
  • Isao Kawano
  • Mitsuru Musha
  • Kazuhiro Nakazawa
  • Shuichi Sato
  • Takeshi Takashima
  • Takahiro Tanaka
  • Kimio Tsubono
  • Jun'ichi Yokoyama
  • Kazuhiro Agatsuma
  • Koh Suke Aoyanagi
  • Koji Arai
  • Akito Araya
  • Naoki Aritomi
  • Hideki Asada
  • Yoichi Aso
  • Dan Chen
  • Takeshi Chiba
  • Toshikazu Ebisuzaki
  • Satoshi Eguchi
  • Yumiko Ejiri
  • Motohiro Enoki
  • Yoshiharu Eriguchi
  • Masa Katsu Fujimoto
  • Ryuichi Fujita
  • Mitsuhiro Fukushima
  • Toshifumi Futamase
  • Rina Gondo
  • Tomohiro Harada
  • Tatsuaki Hashimoto
  • Kazuhiro Hayama
  • Wataru Hikida
  • Yoshiaki Himemoto
  • Hisashi Hirabayashi
  • Takashi Hiramatsu
  • Feng Lei Hong
  • Hideyuki Horisawa
  • Mizuhiko Hosokawa
  • Kiyotomo Ichiki
  • Takeshi Ikegami
  • Kaiki T. Inoue
  • Hideki Ishihara
  • Takehiko Ishikawa
  • Hideharu Ishizaki
  • Hiroyuki Ito
  • Yousuke Itoh
  • Kiwamu Izumi
  • Shinya Kanemura
  • Nobuki Kawashima
  • Fumiko Kawazoe
  • Naoko Kishimoto
  • Kenta Kiuchi
  • Shiho Kobayashi
  • Kazunori Kohri
  • Hiroyuki Koizumi
  • Yasufumi Kojima
  • Keiko Kokeyama
  • Wataru Kokuyama
  • Kei Kotake
  • Yoshihide Kozai
  • Hiroo Kunimori
  • Hitoshi Kuninaka
  • Kazuaki Kuroda
  • Sachiko Kuroyanagi
  • Kei Ichi Maeda
  • Hideo Matsuhara
  • Nobuyuki Matsumoto
  • Yuta Michimura
  • Osamu Miyakawa
  • Umpei Miyamoto
  • Shinji Miyoki
  • Mutsuko Y. Morimoto
  • Toshiyuki Morisawa
  • Shigenori Moriwaki
  • Shinji Mukohyama
  • Shigeo Nagano
  • Kouji Nakamura
  • Hiroyuki Nakano
  • Kenichi Nakao
  • Shinichi Nakasuka
  • Yoshinori Nakayama
  • Erina Nishida
  • Atsushi Nishizawa
  • Yoshito Niwa
  • Taiga Noumi
  • Yoshiyuki Obuchi
  • Naoko Ohishi
  • Masashi Ohkawa
  • Kenshi Okada
  • Norio Okada
  • Koki Okutomi
  • Kenichi Oohara
  • Norichika Sago
  • Motoyuki Saijo
  • Ryo Saito
  • Masaaki Sakagami
  • Shin Ichiro Sakai
  • Shihori Sakata
  • Misao Sasaki
  • Takashi Sato
  • Masaru Shibata
  • Kazunori Shibata
  • Ayumi Shimo-Oku
  • Hisaaki Shinkai
  • Ayaka Shoda
  • Kentaro Somiya
  • Hajime Sotani
  • Aru Suemasa
  • Naoshi Sugiyama
  • Yudai Suwa
  • Rieko Suzuki
  • Hideyuki Tagoshi
  • Fuminobu Takahashi
  • Kakeru Takahashi
  • Keitaro Takahashi
  • Ryutaro Takahashi
  • Ryuichi Takahashi
  • Hirotaka Takahashi
  • Takamori Akiteru
  • Tadashi Takano
  • Nobuyuki Tanaka
  • Keisuke Taniguchi
  • Atsushi Taruya
  • Hiroyuki Tashiro
  • Yasuo Torii
  • Morio Toyoshima
  • Shinji Tsujikawa
  • Akitoshi Ueda
  • Ken Ichi Ueda
  • Takafumi Ushiba
  • Masayoshi Utashima
  • Yaka Wakabayashi
  • Kent Yagi
  • Kazuhiro Yamamoto
  • Toshitaka Yamazaki
  • Chul Moon Yoo
  • Shijun Yoshida
  • Taizoh Yoshino


Externe Organisationen

  • Universität Nagoya
  • Kyoto University
  • University of Tokyo (UTokyo)
  • National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ)
  • Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
  • Osaka City University
  • University of Electro-Communications
  • Hosei University
  • University of Birmingham
  • Waseda University
  • California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
  • Hirosaki University
  • Nihon University
  • Ulmer Fundamental Symmetries Laboratory
  • Fukuoka University
  • Ochanomizu University
  • Tokyo Keizai University
  • Universidade de Lisboa
  • Kyoto Sangyo University
  • Rikkyo University
  • Osaka University
  • Yokohama National University
  • Tokai University
  • Japan National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
  • National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
  • Kinki-Universität
  • National Science Foundation (NSF)
  • Setsunan University
  • Liverpool John Moores University
  • High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
  • Hiroshima University
  • Louisiana State University
  • Akita Prefectural University
  • Ryukoku University
  • National Defense Academy of Japan
  • Niigata University
  • Graduate University for Advanced Studies
  • Kyushu University
  • Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)
  • Osaka Institute of Technology
  • Tokyo Institute of Technology
  • Tohoku University
  • Kumamoto University
  • Nagaoka University of Technology
  • University of the Ryukyus
  • Tokyo University of Science
  • Montana State University
  • Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik (Albert-Einstein-Institut)
Forschungs-netzwerk anzeigen


FachzeitschriftInternational Journal of Modern Physics D
Frühes Online-Datum4 Juni 2018
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 1 Sept. 2019


DECi-hertz Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (DECIGO) is a future Japanese space gravitational-wave antenna. The most important objective of DECIGO, among various sciences to be aimed at, is to detect gravitational waves coming from the inflation of the universe. DECIGO consists of four clusters of spacecraft, and each cluster consists of three spacecraft with three Fabry-Perot Michelson interferometers. As a pathfinder mission of DECIGO, B-DECIGO will be launched, hopefully in the 2020s, to demonstrate technologies necessary for DECIGO as well as to lead to fruitful multimessenger astronomy. B-DECIGO is a small-scale or simpler version of DECIGO with the sensitivity slightly worse than that of DECIGO, yet good enough to provide frequent detection of gravitational waves.

ASJC Scopus Sachgebiete


Space gravitational-wave antennas DECIGO and B-DECIGO. / Kawamura, Seiji; Nakamura, Takashi; Ando, Masaki et al.
in: International Journal of Modern Physics D, Jahrgang 28, Nr. 12, 1845001, 01.09.2019.

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftÜbersichtsarbeitForschungPeer-Review

Kawamura, S, Nakamura, T, Ando, M, Seto, N, Akutsu, T, Funaki, I, Ioka, K, Kanda, N, Kawano, I, Musha, M, Nakazawa, K, Sato, S, Takashima, T, Tanaka, T, Tsubono, K, Yokoyama, J, Agatsuma, K, Aoyanagi, KS, Arai, K, Araya, A, Aritomi, N, Asada, H, Aso, Y, Chen, D, Chiba, T, Ebisuzaki, T, Eguchi, S, Ejiri, Y, Enoki, M, Eriguchi, Y, Fujimoto, MK, Fujita, R, Fukushima, M, Futamase, T, Gondo, R, Harada, T, Hashimoto, T, Hayama, K, Hikida, W, Himemoto, Y, Hirabayashi, H, Hiramatsu, T, Hong, FL, Horisawa, H, Hosokawa, M, Ichiki, K, Ikegami, T, Inoue, KT, Ishihara, H, Ishikawa, T, Ishizaki, H, Ito, H, Itoh, Y, Izumi, K, Kanemura, S, Kawashima, N, Kawazoe, F, Kishimoto, N, Kiuchi, K, Kobayashi, S, Kohri, K, Koizumi, H, Kojima, Y, Kokeyama, K, Kokuyama, W, Kotake, K, Kozai, Y, Kunimori, H, Kuninaka, H, Kuroda, K, Kuroyanagi, S, Maeda, KI, Matsuhara, H, Matsumoto, N, Michimura, Y, Miyakawa, O, Miyamoto, U, Miyoki, S, Morimoto, MY, Morisawa, T, Moriwaki, S, Mukohyama, S, Nagano, S, Nakamura, K, Nakano, H, Nakao, K, Nakasuka, S, Nakayama, Y, Nishida, E, Nishizawa, A, Niwa, Y, Noumi, T, Obuchi, Y, Ohishi, N, Ohkawa, M, Okada, K, Okada, N, Okutomi, K, Oohara, K, Sago, N, Saijo, M, Saito, R, Sakagami, M, Sakai, SI, Sakata, S, Sasaki, M, Sato, T, Shibata, M, Shibata, K, Shimo-Oku, A, Shinkai, H, Shoda, A, Somiya, K, Sotani, H, Suemasa, A, Sugiyama, N, Suwa, Y, Suzuki, R, Tagoshi, H, Takahashi, F, Takahashi, K, Takahashi, K, Takahashi, R, Takahashi, R, Takahashi, H, Akiteru, T, Takano, T, Tanaka, N, Taniguchi, K, Taruya, A, Tashiro, H, Torii, Y, Toyoshima, M, Tsujikawa, S, Ueda, A, Ueda, KI, Ushiba, T, Utashima, M, Wakabayashi, Y, Yagi, K, Yamamoto, K, Yamazaki, T, Yoo, CM, Yoshida, S & Yoshino, T 2019, 'Space gravitational-wave antennas DECIGO and B-DECIGO', International Journal of Modern Physics D, Jg. 28, Nr. 12, 1845001.
Kawamura, S., Nakamura, T., Ando, M., Seto, N., Akutsu, T., Funaki, I., Ioka, K., Kanda, N., Kawano, I., Musha, M., Nakazawa, K., Sato, S., Takashima, T., Tanaka, T., Tsubono, K., Yokoyama, J., Agatsuma, K., Aoyanagi, K. S., Arai, K., ... Yoshino, T. (2019). Space gravitational-wave antennas DECIGO and B-DECIGO. International Journal of Modern Physics D, 28(12), Artikel 1845001.
Kawamura S, Nakamura T, Ando M, Seto N, Akutsu T, Funaki I et al. Space gravitational-wave antennas DECIGO and B-DECIGO. International Journal of Modern Physics D. 2019 Sep 1;28(12):1845001. Epub 2018 Jun 4. doi: 10.1142/S0218271818450013
Kawamura, Seiji ; Nakamura, Takashi ; Ando, Masaki et al. / Space gravitational-wave antennas DECIGO and B-DECIGO. in: International Journal of Modern Physics D. 2019 ; Jahrgang 28, Nr. 12.
title = "Space gravitational-wave antennas DECIGO and B-DECIGO",
abstract = "DECi-hertz Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (DECIGO) is a future Japanese space gravitational-wave antenna. The most important objective of DECIGO, among various sciences to be aimed at, is to detect gravitational waves coming from the inflation of the universe. DECIGO consists of four clusters of spacecraft, and each cluster consists of three spacecraft with three Fabry-Perot Michelson interferometers. As a pathfinder mission of DECIGO, B-DECIGO will be launched, hopefully in the 2020s, to demonstrate technologies necessary for DECIGO as well as to lead to fruitful multimessenger astronomy. B-DECIGO is a small-scale or simpler version of DECIGO with the sensitivity slightly worse than that of DECIGO, yet good enough to provide frequent detection of gravitational waves.",
keywords = "Fabry-Perot Michelson interferometer, Gravitational-wave, inflation, multimessenger astronomy",
author = "Seiji Kawamura and Takashi Nakamura and Masaki Ando and Naoki Seto and Tomotada Akutsu and Ikkoh Funaki and Kunihito Ioka and Nobuyuki Kanda and Isao Kawano and Mitsuru Musha and Kazuhiro Nakazawa and Shuichi Sato and Takeshi Takashima and Takahiro Tanaka and Kimio Tsubono and Jun'ichi Yokoyama and Kazuhiro Agatsuma and Aoyanagi, {Koh Suke} and Koji Arai and Akito Araya and Naoki Aritomi and Hideki Asada and Yoichi Aso and Dan Chen and Takeshi Chiba and Toshikazu Ebisuzaki and Satoshi Eguchi and Yumiko Ejiri and Motohiro Enoki and Yoshiharu Eriguchi and Fujimoto, {Masa Katsu} and Ryuichi Fujita and Mitsuhiro Fukushima and Toshifumi Futamase and Rina Gondo and Tomohiro Harada and Tatsuaki Hashimoto and Kazuhiro Hayama and Wataru Hikida and Yoshiaki Himemoto and Hisashi Hirabayashi and Takashi Hiramatsu and Hong, {Feng Lei} and Hideyuki Horisawa and Mizuhiko Hosokawa and Kiyotomo Ichiki and Takeshi Ikegami and Inoue, {Kaiki T.} and Hideki Ishihara and Takehiko Ishikawa and Hideharu Ishizaki and Hiroyuki Ito and Yousuke Itoh and Kiwamu Izumi and Shinya Kanemura and Nobuki Kawashima and Fumiko Kawazoe and Naoko Kishimoto and Kenta Kiuchi and Shiho Kobayashi and Kazunori Kohri and Hiroyuki Koizumi and Yasufumi Kojima and Keiko Kokeyama and Wataru Kokuyama and Kei Kotake and Yoshihide Kozai and Hiroo Kunimori and Hitoshi Kuninaka and Kazuaki Kuroda and Sachiko Kuroyanagi and Maeda, {Kei Ichi} and Hideo Matsuhara and Nobuyuki Matsumoto and Yuta Michimura and Osamu Miyakawa and Umpei Miyamoto and Shinji Miyoki and Morimoto, {Mutsuko Y.} and Toshiyuki Morisawa and Shigenori Moriwaki and Shinji Mukohyama and Shigeo Nagano and Kouji Nakamura and Hiroyuki Nakano and Kenichi Nakao and Shinichi Nakasuka and Yoshinori Nakayama and Erina Nishida and Atsushi Nishizawa and Yoshito Niwa and Taiga Noumi and Yoshiyuki Obuchi and Naoko Ohishi and Masashi Ohkawa and Kenshi Okada and Norio Okada and Koki Okutomi and Kenichi Oohara and Norichika Sago and Motoyuki Saijo and Ryo Saito and Masaaki Sakagami and Sakai, {Shin Ichiro} and Shihori Sakata and Misao Sasaki and Takashi Sato and Masaru Shibata and Kazunori Shibata and Ayumi Shimo-Oku and Hisaaki Shinkai and Ayaka Shoda and Kentaro Somiya and Hajime Sotani and Aru Suemasa and Naoshi Sugiyama and Yudai Suwa and Rieko Suzuki and Hideyuki Tagoshi and Fuminobu Takahashi and Kakeru Takahashi and Keitaro Takahashi and Ryutaro Takahashi and Ryuichi Takahashi and Hirotaka Takahashi and Takamori Akiteru and Tadashi Takano and Nobuyuki Tanaka and Keisuke Taniguchi and Atsushi Taruya and Hiroyuki Tashiro and Yasuo Torii and Morio Toyoshima and Shinji Tsujikawa and Akitoshi Ueda and Ueda, {Ken Ichi} and Takafumi Ushiba and Masayoshi Utashima and Yaka Wakabayashi and Kent Yagi and Kazuhiro Yamamoto and Toshitaka Yamazaki and Yoo, {Chul Moon} and Shijun Yoshida and Taizoh Yoshino",
note = "Funding information: This research was supported by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and by the Research Center for the Early Universe (RESCEU) at the University of Tokyo.",
year = "2019",
month = sep,
day = "1",
doi = "10.1142/S0218271818450013",
language = "English",
volume = "28",
journal = "International Journal of Modern Physics D",
issn = "0218-2718",
publisher = "World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd",
number = "12",




T1 - Space gravitational-wave antennas DECIGO and B-DECIGO

AU - Kawamura, Seiji

AU - Nakamura, Takashi

AU - Ando, Masaki

AU - Seto, Naoki

AU - Akutsu, Tomotada

AU - Funaki, Ikkoh

AU - Ioka, Kunihito

AU - Kanda, Nobuyuki

AU - Kawano, Isao

AU - Musha, Mitsuru

AU - Nakazawa, Kazuhiro

AU - Sato, Shuichi

AU - Takashima, Takeshi

AU - Tanaka, Takahiro

AU - Tsubono, Kimio

AU - Yokoyama, Jun'ichi

AU - Agatsuma, Kazuhiro

AU - Aoyanagi, Koh Suke

AU - Arai, Koji

AU - Araya, Akito

AU - Aritomi, Naoki

AU - Asada, Hideki

AU - Aso, Yoichi

AU - Chen, Dan

AU - Chiba, Takeshi

AU - Ebisuzaki, Toshikazu

AU - Eguchi, Satoshi

AU - Ejiri, Yumiko

AU - Enoki, Motohiro

AU - Eriguchi, Yoshiharu

AU - Fujimoto, Masa Katsu

AU - Fujita, Ryuichi

AU - Fukushima, Mitsuhiro

AU - Futamase, Toshifumi

AU - Gondo, Rina

AU - Harada, Tomohiro

AU - Hashimoto, Tatsuaki

AU - Hayama, Kazuhiro

AU - Hikida, Wataru

AU - Himemoto, Yoshiaki

AU - Hirabayashi, Hisashi

AU - Hiramatsu, Takashi

AU - Hong, Feng Lei

AU - Horisawa, Hideyuki

AU - Hosokawa, Mizuhiko

AU - Ichiki, Kiyotomo

AU - Ikegami, Takeshi

AU - Inoue, Kaiki T.

AU - Ishihara, Hideki

AU - Ishikawa, Takehiko

AU - Ishizaki, Hideharu

AU - Ito, Hiroyuki

AU - Itoh, Yousuke

AU - Izumi, Kiwamu

AU - Kanemura, Shinya

AU - Kawashima, Nobuki

AU - Kawazoe, Fumiko

AU - Kishimoto, Naoko

AU - Kiuchi, Kenta

AU - Kobayashi, Shiho

AU - Kohri, Kazunori

AU - Koizumi, Hiroyuki

AU - Kojima, Yasufumi

AU - Kokeyama, Keiko

AU - Kokuyama, Wataru

AU - Kotake, Kei

AU - Kozai, Yoshihide

AU - Kunimori, Hiroo

AU - Kuninaka, Hitoshi

AU - Kuroda, Kazuaki

AU - Kuroyanagi, Sachiko

AU - Maeda, Kei Ichi

AU - Matsuhara, Hideo

AU - Matsumoto, Nobuyuki

AU - Michimura, Yuta

AU - Miyakawa, Osamu

AU - Miyamoto, Umpei

AU - Miyoki, Shinji

AU - Morimoto, Mutsuko Y.

AU - Morisawa, Toshiyuki

AU - Moriwaki, Shigenori

AU - Mukohyama, Shinji

AU - Nagano, Shigeo

AU - Nakamura, Kouji

AU - Nakano, Hiroyuki

AU - Nakao, Kenichi

AU - Nakasuka, Shinichi

AU - Nakayama, Yoshinori

AU - Nishida, Erina

AU - Nishizawa, Atsushi

AU - Niwa, Yoshito

AU - Noumi, Taiga

AU - Obuchi, Yoshiyuki

AU - Ohishi, Naoko

AU - Ohkawa, Masashi

AU - Okada, Kenshi

AU - Okada, Norio

AU - Okutomi, Koki

AU - Oohara, Kenichi

AU - Sago, Norichika

AU - Saijo, Motoyuki

AU - Saito, Ryo

AU - Sakagami, Masaaki

AU - Sakai, Shin Ichiro

AU - Sakata, Shihori

AU - Sasaki, Misao

AU - Sato, Takashi

AU - Shibata, Masaru

AU - Shibata, Kazunori

AU - Shimo-Oku, Ayumi

AU - Shinkai, Hisaaki

AU - Shoda, Ayaka

AU - Somiya, Kentaro

AU - Sotani, Hajime

AU - Suemasa, Aru

AU - Sugiyama, Naoshi

AU - Suwa, Yudai

AU - Suzuki, Rieko

AU - Tagoshi, Hideyuki

AU - Takahashi, Fuminobu

AU - Takahashi, Kakeru

AU - Takahashi, Keitaro

AU - Takahashi, Ryutaro

AU - Takahashi, Ryuichi

AU - Takahashi, Hirotaka

AU - Akiteru, Takamori

AU - Takano, Tadashi

AU - Tanaka, Nobuyuki

AU - Taniguchi, Keisuke

AU - Taruya, Atsushi

AU - Tashiro, Hiroyuki

AU - Torii, Yasuo

AU - Toyoshima, Morio

AU - Tsujikawa, Shinji

AU - Ueda, Akitoshi

AU - Ueda, Ken Ichi

AU - Ushiba, Takafumi

AU - Utashima, Masayoshi

AU - Wakabayashi, Yaka

AU - Yagi, Kent

AU - Yamamoto, Kazuhiro

AU - Yamazaki, Toshitaka

AU - Yoo, Chul Moon

AU - Yoshida, Shijun

AU - Yoshino, Taizoh

N1 - Funding information: This research was supported by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and by the Research Center for the Early Universe (RESCEU) at the University of Tokyo.

PY - 2019/9/1

Y1 - 2019/9/1

N2 - DECi-hertz Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (DECIGO) is a future Japanese space gravitational-wave antenna. The most important objective of DECIGO, among various sciences to be aimed at, is to detect gravitational waves coming from the inflation of the universe. DECIGO consists of four clusters of spacecraft, and each cluster consists of three spacecraft with three Fabry-Perot Michelson interferometers. As a pathfinder mission of DECIGO, B-DECIGO will be launched, hopefully in the 2020s, to demonstrate technologies necessary for DECIGO as well as to lead to fruitful multimessenger astronomy. B-DECIGO is a small-scale or simpler version of DECIGO with the sensitivity slightly worse than that of DECIGO, yet good enough to provide frequent detection of gravitational waves.

AB - DECi-hertz Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (DECIGO) is a future Japanese space gravitational-wave antenna. The most important objective of DECIGO, among various sciences to be aimed at, is to detect gravitational waves coming from the inflation of the universe. DECIGO consists of four clusters of spacecraft, and each cluster consists of three spacecraft with three Fabry-Perot Michelson interferometers. As a pathfinder mission of DECIGO, B-DECIGO will be launched, hopefully in the 2020s, to demonstrate technologies necessary for DECIGO as well as to lead to fruitful multimessenger astronomy. B-DECIGO is a small-scale or simpler version of DECIGO with the sensitivity slightly worse than that of DECIGO, yet good enough to provide frequent detection of gravitational waves.

KW - Fabry-Perot Michelson interferometer

KW - Gravitational-wave

KW - inflation

KW - multimessenger astronomy

UR -

U2 - 10.1142/S0218271818450013

DO - 10.1142/S0218271818450013

M3 - Review article

AN - SCOPUS:85047964579

VL - 28

JO - International Journal of Modern Physics D

JF - International Journal of Modern Physics D

SN - 0218-2718

IS - 12

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ER -