How to create successful customer experiences? an empirical investigation of drivers and outcomes and the development of a practical-oriented measurement concept

Publikation: Qualifikations-/StudienabschlussarbeitDissertation


  • Franziska Labenz
Forschungs-netzwerk anzeigen


QualifikationDoctor rerum politicarum
Gradverleihende Hochschule
Betreut von
  • Klaus-Peter Wiedmann, Betreuer*in
Datum der Verleihung des Grades22 Feb. 2019
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2019


Das Kundenerlebnis hat sich bereits als ein bedeutendes Instrument zur Entwicklung effektiver Marketingstrategien etabliert. Demzufolge ist die Generierung erfolgreicher Kundenerlebnisse zu einer wesentlichen Herausforderung für Unternehmen geworden. Für die Umsetzung einer erlebnisorientierten Marketingstrategie ist es für Manager jedoch unabdingbar zu wissen, was ein Erlebnis für den Konsumenten eigentlich ausmacht. Trotz des steigenden Interesses an dieser Thematik gibt es in der Marketingforschung und -praxis noch wenige Erkenntnisse darüber, wie solche Erlebnisse für den Konsumenten geschaffen werden können. Für ein erfolgreiches Management ist daher ein geeignetes Messkonzept erforderlich, welches ein tiefgreifendes Verständnis über das multidimensionale Konstrukt schafft und die Evaluierung und Optimierung der Erlebnisanstrengungen von Unternehmen ermöglicht. Obwohl bereits einige Messansätze in der Marketingliteratur existieren, fehlt es der Forschung an einem formativen Messkonzept, das die sogenannten verursachenden Indikatoren, das bedeutet, die Dimensionen, die ein Erlebnis bei den Konsumenten auslösen, identifiziert und welches branchenübergreifend anwendbar ist. Darüber hinaus besteht in der Marketingliteratur ein Bedarf bezüglich der Erweiterung der grundlegenden Forschung im Hinblick auf die Einflussfaktoren und Wirkungsgrößen eines Kundenerlebnisses, die weitere Erkenntnisse in Bezug auf die Gestaltung von erfolgreichen Erlebnissen liefern. Daher ist ein tiefgreifendes Verständnis der Einflussfaktoren in Bezug auf das Kundenerlebnis und dessen Auswirkungen auf die Wahrnehmung und das Verhalten der Konsumenten notwendig. Die vorliegende Dissertation adressiert die oben aufgeführten Forschungslücken mit der Zielsetzung (1) ein formatives Messkonzept für Kundenerlebnisse zu entwickeln und zu validieren, welches branchenübergreifend anwendbar ist und (2) relevante Einflussfaktoren und Wirkungsgrößen eines Kundenerlebnisses zu untersuchen. Sechs Forschungsprojekte wurden zur Untersuchung der Forschungsziele eins und zwei durchgeführt. Durch die Entwicklung des Messkonzepts wird insbesondere eine neue Konzeptualisierung des Konstrukts erarbeitet, welche das Verständnis von Kundenerlebnissen grundlegend erweitert. Durch die formative Messung erhalten Marketingmanager somit wertvolle Erkenntnisse hinsichtlich der Entwicklung und Evaluation effektiver Kundenerlebnisstrategien. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung von Forschungsziel zwei bestätigen die Bedeutung mehrerer relevanter Einflussfaktoren (z.B. multisensorisches Marketing, Produktdesign) und marketingbezogener Wirkungsgrößen von Kundenerlebnissen (z.B. wahrgenommener Kundennutzen, Konsumentenzufriedenheit), die als Grundlage für die erfolgreiche Entwicklung erlebnisorientierter Marketingstrategien herangezogen werden können.


How to create successful customer experiences? an empirical investigation of drivers and outcomes and the development of a practical-oriented measurement concept. / Labenz, Franziska.
Hannover, 2019. 208 S.

Publikation: Qualifikations-/StudienabschlussarbeitDissertation

title = "How to create successful customer experiences?: an empirical investigation of drivers and outcomes and the development of a practical-oriented measurement concept",
abstract = "Customer experience has been recognized as an important tool for the development of effective marketing strategies. The creation of successful customer experiences has therefore become one of the main challenges for companies. However, when implementing a successful experiential marketing strategy, managers need to know what actually constitutes an experience. Despite the growing interest in this topic, marketing research and practice still have limited knowledge on how to create such experiences for the consumer. To effectively manage customer experience, a suitable measurement concept is required to obtain a deeper understanding of the multidimensional construct. This enables the evaluation and improvement of experience efforts to ensure that the experience design is successful. Although some measurement approaches exist in the marketing literature, research lacks a formative measurement concept that identifies the cause indicators, that is, the dimensions that actually drive customer experience, and that can be applied to several industries. In addition, there is a need in the marketing literature for an extension of the fundamental customer experience research with regard to the drivers and outcomes of customer experience. To gain profound knowledge on the creation of successful experiences, a deeper understanding of the factors that influence the customer experience and the effects of customer experience on consumer perception and behavior is needed. This doctoral thesis addresses the mentioned research gaps by (1) developing and validating a formative measurement concept for customer experience that is applicable across several industries and (2) examining the relevant drivers and outcomes of customer experience. In total, six research projects were conducted to examine research objective one and two. The developed measurement concept delivers a sought-after conceptualization of customer experience that further enhances the understanding of the construct. Due to the formative measurement, marketing managers are provided with useful insights into the development and evaluation of effective customer experience strategies. Further, the results of research objective two provide evidence for the importance of several relevant factors, such as multisensory marketing and product design that drive customer experience and the positive effects of customer experience on marketing-related outcomes, such as customer perceived value and customer satisfaction.",
author = "Franziska Labenz",
year = "2019",
doi = "10.15488/4467",
language = "English",
school = "Leibniz University Hannover",




T1 - How to create successful customer experiences?

T2 - an empirical investigation of drivers and outcomes and the development of a practical-oriented measurement concept

AU - Labenz, Franziska

PY - 2019

Y1 - 2019

N2 - Customer experience has been recognized as an important tool for the development of effective marketing strategies. The creation of successful customer experiences has therefore become one of the main challenges for companies. However, when implementing a successful experiential marketing strategy, managers need to know what actually constitutes an experience. Despite the growing interest in this topic, marketing research and practice still have limited knowledge on how to create such experiences for the consumer. To effectively manage customer experience, a suitable measurement concept is required to obtain a deeper understanding of the multidimensional construct. This enables the evaluation and improvement of experience efforts to ensure that the experience design is successful. Although some measurement approaches exist in the marketing literature, research lacks a formative measurement concept that identifies the cause indicators, that is, the dimensions that actually drive customer experience, and that can be applied to several industries. In addition, there is a need in the marketing literature for an extension of the fundamental customer experience research with regard to the drivers and outcomes of customer experience. To gain profound knowledge on the creation of successful experiences, a deeper understanding of the factors that influence the customer experience and the effects of customer experience on consumer perception and behavior is needed. This doctoral thesis addresses the mentioned research gaps by (1) developing and validating a formative measurement concept for customer experience that is applicable across several industries and (2) examining the relevant drivers and outcomes of customer experience. In total, six research projects were conducted to examine research objective one and two. The developed measurement concept delivers a sought-after conceptualization of customer experience that further enhances the understanding of the construct. Due to the formative measurement, marketing managers are provided with useful insights into the development and evaluation of effective customer experience strategies. Further, the results of research objective two provide evidence for the importance of several relevant factors, such as multisensory marketing and product design that drive customer experience and the positive effects of customer experience on marketing-related outcomes, such as customer perceived value and customer satisfaction.

AB - Customer experience has been recognized as an important tool for the development of effective marketing strategies. The creation of successful customer experiences has therefore become one of the main challenges for companies. However, when implementing a successful experiential marketing strategy, managers need to know what actually constitutes an experience. Despite the growing interest in this topic, marketing research and practice still have limited knowledge on how to create such experiences for the consumer. To effectively manage customer experience, a suitable measurement concept is required to obtain a deeper understanding of the multidimensional construct. This enables the evaluation and improvement of experience efforts to ensure that the experience design is successful. Although some measurement approaches exist in the marketing literature, research lacks a formative measurement concept that identifies the cause indicators, that is, the dimensions that actually drive customer experience, and that can be applied to several industries. In addition, there is a need in the marketing literature for an extension of the fundamental customer experience research with regard to the drivers and outcomes of customer experience. To gain profound knowledge on the creation of successful experiences, a deeper understanding of the factors that influence the customer experience and the effects of customer experience on consumer perception and behavior is needed. This doctoral thesis addresses the mentioned research gaps by (1) developing and validating a formative measurement concept for customer experience that is applicable across several industries and (2) examining the relevant drivers and outcomes of customer experience. In total, six research projects were conducted to examine research objective one and two. The developed measurement concept delivers a sought-after conceptualization of customer experience that further enhances the understanding of the construct. Due to the formative measurement, marketing managers are provided with useful insights into the development and evaluation of effective customer experience strategies. Further, the results of research objective two provide evidence for the importance of several relevant factors, such as multisensory marketing and product design that drive customer experience and the positive effects of customer experience on marketing-related outcomes, such as customer perceived value and customer satisfaction.

U2 - 10.15488/4467

DO - 10.15488/4467

M3 - Doctoral thesis

CY - Hannover

ER -