Projekt Innovation plus (2019/20); Nummer 062

Projekt: Sonstiges


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The module "Water Resources Systems Analysis" deals with Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) problems and their analytical evaluation for simulation and multi-criteria decision making. As active elements, a role play and a modelling contest were introduced.

wichtigste Ergebnisse

The role play allows to take over a position of an actor in water resources management and discuss with other "actors" from class. Students can learn problems of intergrated management of water resources by an international example of high conflict potential. The participation and the feedback of students allowed to develop and improve a module tailored to their knowledge, interest and learning objectives. The module combines soft skills, practical knowledge and analytical techniques as recommended for modern water engineers and resources managers.


Beginn/Ende1 Apr. 201931 Dez. 2020



    Integrierte Wasserbewirtschaftung, IWRM, Simulation, Optimierung, Rollenspiel



  • Landesförderung
  • Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur (MWK)
  • Hochschulpakt
  • - Innovative Lehr- und Lernkonzepte: Innovation Plus

Fachgebiet (basierend auf ÖFOS 2012)