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Small Sample Stress: Probing Oxygen-Deprived Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria with Raman Spectroscopy In Vivo
Kniggendorf, A. K., Nogueira, R., Bahmanabad, S. N., Pommerening-Röser, A. & Roth, B. W., 19 März 2020, in: Microorganisms. 8, 3, 14 S., 432.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Soliton compression and supercontinuum spectra in nonlinear diamond photonics
Melchert, O., Kinnewig, S., Dencker, F., Perevoznik, D., Willms, S., Babushkin, I., Wurz, M., Kues, M., Beuchler, S., Wick, T., Morgner, U. & Demircan, A., Juni 2023, in: Diamond and Related Materials. 136, 109939.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Soliton elasticity
Melchert, O., Willms, S., Babushkin, I., Roth, B., Steinmeyer, G., Morgner, U. & Demircan, A., 2019, Proceedings Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics. OSA - The Optical SocietyPublikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Sammelwerk/Konferenzband › Aufsatz in Konferenzband › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Soliton Molecules with Two Frequencies
Melchert, O., Willms, S., Bose, S., Yulin, A., Roth, B., Mitschke, F., Morgner, U., Babushkin, I. & Demircan, A., 13 Dez. 2019, in: Physical Review Letters. 123, 24, 243905.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Solving differential equations via artificial neural networks: Findings and failures in a model problem
Knoke, T. & Wick, T., Nov. 2021, in: Examples and Counterexamples. 1, 100035.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Solving the Synthetic Riddle of Colloidal Two-Dimensional PbTe Nanoplatelets with Tunable Near-Infrared Emission
Biesterfeld, L., Vochezer, M. T., Kögel, M., Zaluzhnyy, I. A., Rosebrock, M., Klepzig, L. F., Leis, W., Seitz, M., Meyer, J. C. & Lauth, J., 13 Aug. 2024, in: Chemistry of materials. 36, 15, S. 7197-7206 10 S.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Spacecraft and interplanetary contributions to the magnetic environment on-board LISA Pathfinder
Armano, M., Audley, H., Baird, J., Binetruy, P., Born, M., Bortoluzzi, D., Castelli, E., Cavalleri, A., Cesarini, A., Cruise, A. M., Danzmann, K., De deus silva, M., Diepholz, I., Dixon, G., Dolesi, R., Ferraioli, L., Ferroni, V., Fitzsimons, E. D., Freschi, M., Gesa, L., Gibert, F., Giardini, D., Giusteri, R., Grimani, C., Grzymisch, J., Harrison, I., Hartig, M., Heinzel, G., Hewitson, M., Hollington, D., Hoyland, D., Hueller, M., Inchauspé, H., Jennrich, O., Jetzer, P., Karnesis, N., Kaune, B., Korsakova, N., Killow, C. J., Lobo, J. A., Liu, L., López-zaragoza, J. P., Maarschalkerweerd, R., Mance, D., Martín, V., Martin-polo, L., Martino, J., Martin-porqueras, F., Mateos, I., Mcnamara, P. W., Mendes, J., Mendes, L., Meshksar, N., Nofrarias, M., Paczkowski, S., Perreur-lloyd, M., Petiteau, A., Pivato, P., Plagnol, E., Ramos-castro, J., Reiche, J., Rivas, F., Robertson, D. I., Roma-dollase, D., Russano, G., Slutsky, J., Sopuerta, C. F., Sumner, T., Telloni, D., Texier, D., Thorpe, J. I., Trenkel, C., Vetrugno, D., Vitale, S., Wanner, G., Ward, H., Wass, P. J., Wealthy, D., Weber, W. J., Wissel, L., Wittchen, A. & Zweifel, P., Mai 2020, in: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 494, 2, S. 3014-3027 14 S.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Space‐time PU‐DWR error control and adaptivity for the heat equation
Thiele, J. P. & Wick, T., 14 Dez. 2021, in: PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 24, 1Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Space-time variational material modeling: a new paradigm demonstrated for thermo-mechanically coupled wave propagation, visco-elasticity, elasto-plasticity with hardening, and gradient-enhanced damage
Junker, P. & Wick, T., Feb. 2024, in: Computational mechanics. 73, 2, S. 365-402 38 S.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Space-time variational material modeling: Numerical simulations for the wave equation with velocity initial and final time condictions
Junker, P., Roth, J. & Wick, T., 21 Juli 2024, 16th World Congress in Computational Mechanics (WCCM). Korobenko, A., Laforest, M., Prudhomme, S. & Vaziri, R. (Hrsg.). 12 S. (World Congress in Computational Mechanics and ECCOMAS Congress).Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Sammelwerk/Konferenzband › Aufsatz in Konferenzband › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Spatial contributions of electron trajectories to high-order-harmonic radiation originating from a semi-infinite gas cell
Kretschmar, M., Hernández-García, C., Steingrube, D. S., Plaja, L., Morgner, U. & Kovačev, M., 8 Juli 2013, in: Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 88, 1, 013805.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Spatial Extent of Fluorescence Quenching in Mixed Semiconductor-Metal Nanoparticle Gel Networks
Rosebrock, M., Zámbó, D., Rusch, P., Pluta, D., Steinbach, F., Bessel, P., Schlosser, A., Feldhoff, A., Hindricks, K. D. J., Behrens, P., Dorfs, D. & Bigall, N. C., 7 Okt. 2021, in: Advanced functional materials. 31, 41, 2101628.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Spatio-temporal characterization of a femtosecond filament along its length
Jusko, C., Neoricic, L., Mikaelsson, S., Garmirian, F., Guo, C., Zhong, S., Major, B., Miranda, M., Morgner, U., L’Huillier, A., Couairon, A., Kovacev, M. & Arnold, C. L., 16 Nov. 2020, High Intensity Lasers and High Field Phenomena, HILAS 2020. OSA - The Optical Society, HM1B.4Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Sammelwerk/Konferenzband › Aufsatz in Konferenzband › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Spectral Characterization of Parametric Biphoton States Enabled by Frequency-to-time Mapping Technique
Kashi, A. K., Wetzel, B. & Kues, M., 2022, Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim.Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Sammelwerk/Konferenzband › Aufsatz in Konferenzband › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Spectral Hong-Ou-Mandel Effect between a Heralded Single-Photon State and a Thermal Field: Multiphoton Contamination and the Nonclassicality Threshold
Khodadad Kashi, A., Caspani, L. & Kues, M., 4 Dez. 2023, in: Physical review letters. 131, 23, 6 S., 233601.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Spectral hong-ou-mandel interference between independently generated single photons for scalable frequency-domain quantum processing
Kashi, A. K. & Kues, M., 2021, European Quantum Electronics Conference: EQEC 2021. OSA - The Optical SocietyPublikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Sammelwerk/Konferenzband › Aufsatz in Konferenzband › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Spectral Hong-Ou-Mandel Interference between Independently Generated Single Photons for Scalable Frequency-Domain Quantum Processing
Khodadad Kashi, A. & Kues, M., 2021, 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Sammelwerk/Konferenzband › Aufsatz in Konferenzband › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Spectral Hong–Ou–Mandel Interference between Independently Generated Single Photons for Scalable Frequency-Domain Quantum Processing
Khodadad Kashi, A. & Kues, M., 7 Mai 2021, in: Laser and Photonics Reviews. 15, 5, 2000464.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Letter › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Spectrally aligned integration of miniaturized substrate-free thin-film filters for fiber optical networks
Gehrke, P., Rüsseler, A. K., Hoffmann, G. A., Wienke, A., Kracht, D. & Ristau, D., 2 Okt. 2023, Current Developments in Lens Design and Optical Engineering XXIV. Johnson, R. B., Mahajan, V. N. & Thibault, S. (Hrsg.). SPIE, 10 S. 126660M. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; Band 12666).Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Sammelwerk/Konferenzband › Aufsatz in Konferenzband › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Spontaneous emission noise in mode-locked lasers and frequency combs
Liao, R., Mei, C., Song, Y., Demircan, A. & Steinmeyer, G., 7 Juli 2020, in: Physical Review A. 102, 1, 12 S., 013506.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review