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Wet magmatic processes during the accretion of the deep crust of the Oman Ophiolite paleoridge: Phase diagrams and petrological records
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Wettability of crushed air-dried minerals
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Wettability of organically coated tridymite surface - Molecular dynamics study
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Wettability of siloxane surfaces assessed by molecular dynamics, contact angle determination, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
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Wetter, but not wet enough: Limited greenhouse gas mitigation effects of subsurface irrigation and blocked ditches in an intensively cultivated grassland on fen peat
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Wetting of sapphire by a supercooled silicon droplet
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Wetting process and soil water retention of a minesoil amended with composted and thermally dried sludges
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What controls the availability of organic and inorganic P sources in top- and subsoils? A 33P isotopic labeling study with root exudate addition
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What evidence exists for the impact of Baltic Sea ecosystems on human health and well-being? A systematic map protocol
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What Is the Contribution of Urban Trees to Mitigate Pluvial Flooding?
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When the Land Turns Green
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Wie gut wirken Erosionsschutzmaßnahmen und was kann der Erosionsschutz noch erreichen?
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Wie kann Wissen über Landwirtschaft vermittelt werden?
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Wie vergiftet sind die Böden? Fallstudien zur Bodenbelastung durch anorganische und organische Schadstoffe
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Wind erosion after steppe conversion in Kazakhstan
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Winter Daytime Warming and Shift in Summer Monsoon Increase Plant Cover and Net CO 2 Uptake in a Central Tibetan Alpine Steppe Ecosystem
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Wirksamkeit und Kosten von Maßnahmen zur Verringerung von Bodenerosion und Stoffaustrag in Gewässer: Untersuchungen im Leineeinzugsgebiet bei Gronau (Niedersachsen)
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Wissensbasierte Modellierung der Mächtigkeit des kalkfreien Bodenbereiches in den Waldböden des Kantons Basel-Landschaft (Nordwestschweiz)
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Wood transformation in dead-standing trees in the forest-tundra of Central Siberia
Mukhortova, L. V., Kirdianov, A. V., Myglan, V. S. & Guggenberger, G., Jan. 2009, in: Izvestiia Akademii nauk. Seriia biologicheskaia / Rossiǐskaia akademiia nauk. 1, S. 70-78 9 S.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Wood Transformation in Dead-Standing Trees in the Forest–Tundra of Central Siberia
Mukhortova, L. V., Kirdianov, A. V., Myglan, V. S. & Guggenberger, G., 4 Feb. 2009, in: Biology Bulletin. 36, S. 58-65 9 S.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review