- 2024
- Elektronisch veröffentlicht (E-Pub)
Chernobyl fuel microparticles: uranium oxidation state and isotope ratio by HERFD-XANES and SIMS
Poliakova, T., Weiss, M., Trigub, A., Yapaskurt, V., Zheltonozhskaya, M., Vlasova, I., Walther, C. & Kalmykov, S., 29 Aug. 2024, (Elektronisch veröffentlicht (E-Pub)) in: Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Virtual radionuclide laboratory: An e-learning solution for a tailored training event
Pottgießer, V., Preim, B., Saalfeld, P., Vahlbruch, J. W. & Walther, C., Juli 2024, in: Nuclear engineering and design. 423, 113173.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Effect of Ba(II), Eu(III), and U(VI) on rat NRK-52E and human HEK-293 kidney cells in vitro
Senwitz, C., Butscher, D., Holtmann, L., Vogel, M., Steudtner, R., Drobot, B., Stumpf, T., Barkleit, A. & Heller, A., 1 Mai 2024, in: Science of the Total Environment. 923, 20 S., 171374.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Different Impacts of Ni2+ and Li+ to Plants and Mycorrhiza Systems: Roles of Bioligands Forming Metal-Binding Complexes in Cells and Apoplasts
Inouhe, M., Katsuta, Y., Kato, A., Kato, H., Sakuma, Y., Walther, C., Joon, V. & Gupta, D. K., März 2024, Lithium and Nickel Contamination in Plants and the Environment. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd, S. 139-169 31 S. (World Scientific Series on Advances in Environmental Pollution Management; Band 1).Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Sammelwerk/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Buch/Sammelwerk › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Lithium and Nickel Contamination in Plants and the Environment
Inouhe, M. (Herausgeber*in), Walther, C. (Herausgeber*in) & Gupta, D. K., März 2024, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd. 297 S. (World Scientific Series on Advances in Environmental Pollution Management; Band 1)Publikation: Buch/Bericht/Sammelwerk/Konferenzband › Sammelwerk › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Procedural fairness and safety in the acceptance of nuclear waste disposal in Germany: an empirical study
Seidl, R. & Drögemüller, C., 2024, in: Journal of risk research. 27, 8, S. 969-985 17 S.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
- 2023
- Veröffentlicht
Airaksinen, A., Concia, F., Das, S., Distler, P., John, J., Macerata, E., Mariani, M., Mossini, E., Negrin, M., Němec, M., Pottgießer, V., Retegan, T., Štrok, M., Teplá, M. & Walther, C., 15 Nov. 2023, in: Chemicke Listy. 117, 11, S. 708-713 6 S.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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X-ray generation by fs-laser processing of biological material
Mosel, P., Düsing, J., Johannesmeier, S., Patzlaff-Günther, M., Fröhlich, S., Mapa, J., Kalies, S., Bahlmann, J., Püster, T., Vahlbruch, J., Dittmar, G., Merdji, H., Fajardo, M., Trabattoni, A., Heisterkamp, A., Morgner, U. & Kovacev, M., 1 Nov. 2023, in: Biomedical optics express. 14, 11, S. 5656-5669 14 S.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Disproportionately High Contributions of 60 Year Old Weapons-137Cs Explain the Persistence of Radioactive Contamination in Bavarian Wild Boars
Stäger, F., Zok, D., Schiller, A. K., Feng, B. & Steinhauser, G., 12 Sept. 2023, in: Environmental Science and Technology. 57, 36, S. 13601–13611 11 S.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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The radioecological footprint of electricity production by wind turbines
Bittner, S. L., Gellermann, R. & Walther, C., Juli 2023, in: Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 199, 12, S. 1324-1335 12 S.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Multi-element isotopic analysis of hot particles from Chornobyl
van Eerten, D., Raiwa, M. A. C., Hanemann, P., Leifermann, L., Weissenborn, T., Schulz, W. D., Weiß, M., Ziva Shulaker, D., Boone, P., Willingham, D., Thomas, K., Sammis, B., Isselhardt, B., Savina, M. & Walther, C., 15 Juni 2023, in: Journal of hazardous materials. 452, 131338.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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A teaching concept for school experiments on radioactivity using augmented reality methods
Schuette, C., Streuber, M., Pottgiesser, V., Preim, B., Saalfeld, P., Vahlbruch, J. W. & Walther, C., Juni 2023, in: Radiation protection dosimetry. 199, 8-9, S. 716-724 9 S.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Europium(III) Meets Etidronic Acid (HEDP): A Coordination Study Combining Spectroscopic, Spectrometric, and Quantum Chemical Methods
Heller, A., Senwitz, C., Foerstendorf, H., Tsushima, S., Holtmann, L., Drobot, B. & Kretzschmar, J., 31 Mai 2023, in: MOLECULES. 28, 11, 4469.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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A MOOC in Nuclear- and Radio-Chemistry: from the design to the feedback
Negrin, M., Macerata, E., Concia, F., Mariani, M., Mossini, E., Das, S., Airaksinen, A. J., Štrok, M., Pottgießer, V., Walther, C., Distler, P., John, J., Nemec, M. & Retegan, T., Mai 2023, in: Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 332, 5, S. 1549-1555 7 S.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Detection of 135Cs & 137Cs in environmental samples by AMS
Wieser, A., Lachner, J., Martschini, M., Zok, D., Priller, A., Steier, P. & Golser, R., Mai 2023, in: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 538, S. 36-40 5 S.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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RoboLab: providing remote access to a physical radiochemistry laboratory for teaching and training
Salina, O. N., Grønås, T., Pottgießer, V., Němec, M., Vahlbruch, J. W., Walther, C. & Omtvedt, J. P., Mai 2023, in: Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 332, 5, S. 1533-1539 7 S.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Tracing nuclear fuel: Monitoring and characterization of low-level radiocontaminations by laser mass spectrometry in bulk materials and environmental nanoparticles
Wendt, K., Kneip, N., Raiwa, M. & Walther, C., 18 Apr. 2023, in: Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica C. 46, 2, 35.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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X-ray dose rate and spectral measurements from ultrafast laser-matter interaction
Mosel, P., Sankar, P., Appi, E., Jusko, C., Zuber, D., Kleinert, S., Düsing, J., Mapa, J., Dittmar, G., Püster, T., Vahlbruch, J. W., Morgner, U. & Kovacev, M., 26 März 2023.Publikation: Konferenzbeitrag › Paper › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Uptake of Radionuclides by Bryophytes in the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone
Schmidt, B., Kegler, F., Steinhauser, G., Chyzhevskyi, I., Dubchak, S., Ivesic, C., Koller-Peroutka, M., Laarouchi, A. & Adlassnig, W., 25 Feb. 2023, in: Toxics. 11, 3, 218.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Novel optical technologies for emergency preparedness and response: Mapping contaminations with alpha-emitting radionuclides
Luchkov, M., Dangendorf, V., Giesen, U., Langner, F., Olaru, C., Zadehrafi, M., Klose, A., Kalmankoski, K., Sand, J., Ihantola, S., Toivonen, H., Walther, C., Röttger, S., Ioan, M. R., Toivonen, J. & Krasniqi, F. S., Feb. 2023, in: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 1047, 9 S., 167895.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review