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Fasernesselschäben und fermentierte Gärprodukte als potenzielle Substratausgangsstoffe im Erwerbsgartenbau: Neue Erkenntnisse aus Substrat- und Pflanzentests
Leiber-Sauheitl, K., Bozinis, N. & Guggenberger, G., 14 Jan. 2025, in: DGG Proceedings. 12, 3, S. 1-8 8 S.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Konferenzaufsatz in Fachzeitschrift › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Microbial Community and Functions Depending on Tillage and Straw Returning Management: Consequences for Soil Health and Ecosystem Services
Liu, Q., Dai, H., Wang, L., Qian, X., Gao, Y., Zhang, H., Liu, K., Li, Z. & Zamanian, K., 12 Nov. 2024, in: Land Degradation and Development. 35, 17, S. 5357-5366 10 S.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Inorganic carbon accumulation in saline soils via modification effects of organic amendments on dissolved ions and enzymes activities
Song, J., Zhang, H., Zamanian, K., Chang, F., Yu, R., Wang, J., Zhou, J. & Li, Y., Juni 2024, in: CATENA. 241, 108039.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Water Point and Non-Point Nitrogen Pollution Due to Land-Use Change and Nitrate Deposition in China from 2000 to 2020
Zhao, X., Shi, J., Xue, L., Li, W., Zamanian, K., Han, J. & Chen, S., 14 Mai 2024, in: Water. 16, 10, 1396.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Nitrification-induced acidity controls CO2 emission from soil carbonates
Tao, J., Fan, L., Zhou, J., Banfield, C. C., Kuzyakov, Y. & Zamanian, K., Mai 2024, in: Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 192, 109398.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Long-term soil redox dynamics of intact and degraded permafrost in Interior Alaska
Liebmann, P., Vogel, C., Barta, J., Urich, T., Kholodov, A., Varsadiya, M., Waqas, M., Wang, H., Donnerhack, O., Shibistova, O., Wessel-Bothe, S., Mansfeldt, T. & Guggenberger, G., 2 Apr. 2024.Publikation: Konferenzbeitrag › Paper › Forschung
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Inorganic carbon is overlooked in global soil carbon research: A bibliometric analysis
Raza, S., Irshad, A., Margenot, A., Zamanian, K., Li, N., Ullah, S., Mehmood, K., Khan, M. A., Siddique, N., Zhou, J., Mooney, S. J., Kurganova, I., Zhao, X. & Kuzyakov, Y., März 2024, in: GEODERMA. 443, 116831.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Interactions of manganese oxides with natural dissolved organic matter: Implications for soil organic carbon cycling
Brüggenwirth, L., Behrens, R., Schnee, L. S., Sauheitl, L., Mikutta, R. & Mikutta, C., 1 Feb. 2024, in: Geochimica et cosmochimica acta. 366, S. 182-200 19 S.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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A balance among irrigation and fertilization regimes to reduce greenhouse gases emissions from saline and alkaline soils
Zhang, S., Zamanian, K., Raza, S., Raheb, A., Feng, Y. & Zhao, X., 11 Jan. 2024, in: Land degradation & development. 35, 1, S. 168-182 15 S.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Deforestation for agriculture leads to soil warming and enhanced litter decomposition in subarctic soils
Peplau, T., Poeplau, C., Gregorich, E. & Schroeder, J., 17 März 2023, in: BIOGEOSCIENCES. 20, 5, S. 1063-1074 12 S.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Wettability of siloxane surfaces assessed by molecular dynamics, contact angle determination, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
Tunega, D., Šolc, R., Grančič, P., Gerzabek, M. H., Goebel, M. O., Guggenberger, G., Bachmann, J. & Woche, S. K., 15 Feb. 2023, in: Applied surface science. 611, 155680.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Process sequence of soil aggregate formation disentangled through multi-isotope labelling
Amelung, W., Meyer, N., Rodionov, A., Knief, C., Aehnelt, M., Bauke, S. L., Biesgen, D., Dultz, S., Guggenberger, G., Jaber, M., Klumpp, E., Kögel-Knabner, I., Nischwitz, V., Schweizer, S. A., Wu, B., Totsche, K. U. & Lehndorff, E., 1 Jan. 2023, in: GEODERMA. 429, 116226.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Effects of temperature and land-use change on soil organic matter dynamics in a permafrost-affected ecosystem
Peplau, T. A., 2023, Hannover. 153 S.Publikation: Qualifikations-/Studienabschlussarbeit › Dissertation
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A DOM continuum from the roof of the world – Tibetan molecular dissolved organic matter characteristics track sources, land use effects, and processing along the fluvial-limnic pathway
Maurischat, P., Seidel, M., Dittmar, T. & Guggenberger, G., 13 Dez. 2022, (Elektronisch veröffentlicht (E-Pub)).Publikation: Arbeitspapier/Preprint › Preprint
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Vegetation strategies for nitrogen and potassium acquisition along a climate and vegetation gradient: From semi-desert to temperate rainforest
Stock, S. C., Koester, M., Nájera, F., Boy, J., Matus, F., Merino, C., Abdallah, K., Spielvogel, S., Gorbushina, A. A., Dippold, M. A. & Kuzyakov, Y., 1 Nov. 2022, in: GEODERMA. 425, 116077.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Extracellular enzyme ratios reveal locality and horizon-specific carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus limitations in Arctic permafrost soils
Varsadiya, M., Liebmann, P., Petters, S., Hugelius, G., Urich, T., Guggenberger, G. & Bárta, J., Nov. 2022, in: BIOGEOCHEMISTRY. 161, 2, S. 101-117 17 S.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Past, present, and future geo-biosphere interactions on the Tibetan Plateau and implications for permafrost
Ehlers, T. A., Chen, D., Appel, E., Bolch, T., Chen, F., Diekmann, B., Dippold, M. A., Giese, M., Guggenberger, G., Lai, H. W., Li, X., Liu, J., Liu, Y., Ma, Y., Miehe, G., Mosbrugger, V., Mulch, A., Piao, S., Schwalb, A., Thompson, L. G., Su, Z., Sun, H., Yao, T., Yang, X., Yang, K. & Zhu, L., Nov. 2022, in: Earth-Science Reviews. 234, 104197.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Übersichtsarbeit › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Implications of Free and Occluded Fine Colloids for Organic Matter Preservation in Arable Soils
Tang, N., Siebers, N., Leinweber, P., Eckhardt, K. U., Dultz, S., Nischwitz, V. & Klumpp, E., 4 Okt. 2022, in: Environmental Science and Technology. 56, 19, S. 14133-14145 13 S.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Succession of the soil bacterial community as resource utilization shifts from plant residues to rhizodeposits
Fu, Y., Luo, Y., Tang, C., Li, Y., Guggenberger, G. & Xu, J., Okt. 2022, in: Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 173, 108785.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review
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Nitrophobic ectomycorrhizal fungi are associated with enhanced hydrophobicity of soil organic matter in a Norway spruce forest
Almeida, J. P., Rosenstock, N. P., Woche, S. K., Guggenberger, G. & Wallander, H., 12 Aug. 2022, in: BIOGEOSCIENCES. 19, 15, S. 3713-3726 14 S.Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › Peer-Review