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Embedding an ANN-Based Crystal Plasticity Model into the Finite Element Framework using an ABAQUS User-Material Subroutine

Dataset: DatensatzDataset


  • Yuqing He (Urheber*in)
  • Yousef Heider (Urheber*in)
  • Bernd Markert (Urheber*in)


Datum der Bereitstellung25 Sept. 2024
Herausgeber (Verlag)Forschungsdaten-Repositorium der LUH


This work presents a practical method for incorporating trained Neural Networks (NNs) into the Finite Element (FE) framework using a user material (UMAT) subroutine. The work exemplifies crystal plasticity, a complex inelastic non-linear path-dependent material response, with a wide range of applications in ABAQUS UMAT. However, this approach can be extended to other material behaviors and FE tools. The use of a UMAT subroutine serves two main purposes: (1) it predicts and updates the stress or other mechanical properties of interest directly from the strain history; (2) it computes the Jacobian matrix either through backpropagation or numerical differentiation, which plays an essential role in the solution convergence. By implementing NNs in a UMAT subroutine, a trained machine learning model can be employed as a data-driven constitutive law within the FEM framework, preserving multiscale information that conventional constitutive laws often neglect or average. The versatility of this method makes it a powerful tool for integrating machine learning into mechanical simulation. While this approach is expected to provide higher accuracy in reproducing realistic material behavior, the reliability of the solution process and the convergence conditions must be paid special attention. The theory of the model is explained in Heider et al. 2020.