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Springer, Cham (Herausgeber (Verlag))

Aktivität: Begutachtung von Publikationen und für Tagungen sowie HerausgebertätigkeitenBegutachtung von Publikationen (Peer-Review)



Begutachtung von Publikationen (Peer-Review)




The book presents interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral research results fostering event analytics across languages and communities. It is based on the CLEOPATRA International Training Network, which explored how we analyze and understand the major events that influence and shape our lives and societies, and how they unfold online. This analysis was achieved through various case studies, the development of novel methodologies in fields such as data mining and natural language processing, and the creation of new event-centric datasets aggregated in the Open Event Knowledge Graph (OEKG), a multilingual event-centric knowledge graph that contains more than 1 million events in 15 languages.